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How not to use a fork lift

Stewart Newlands

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The sad thing is the number of cherry pickers on the site available and man cages, and divers if they needed extra assistance, the site even ran training if you had a day to spare!


Every thing should have been in place to avid this happening and yet it did twice, even after consultation with the main contractors between the photos.

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Guest lightnix
You must be a signed in member of Myspace then.

Ah well... Say Lavvie........... :D

Yes, is there any chance that the pics could be posted on a more accesible site, such as Photobucket, please?


So, I haven't seen the pics; but hope I'm not going OT by linking to this thread from a few months ago. Reading between the lines, it sounds like a similar scenario.


...Yes they should walk away but that is not easy for some people depending on their personal circumstances.
Quite right & well said.

I find the sanctimonious tone of some of these "How dodgy is this!?" type threads very wearing sometimes.

You're not the only one. It's easy to comment from the safety of a keyboard, but how many times have I/we been given dodgy kit and inadequate resources to do a job with, only to be further threatened with no more work (or even worse being sued) if I/we don't magically make it all happen; that crew are ten-a-penny and if I/we can't, then there are plenty more where we came from, who can and will.


Is it any wonder the business has such a high replacement rate?

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It's easy to comment from the safety of a keyboard, but how many times have I/we been given dodgy kit and inadequate resources to do a job with, only to be further threatened with no more work (or even worse being sued) if I/we don't magically make it all happen; that crew are ten-a-penny and if I/we can't, then there are plenty more where we came from, who can and will.


Agreed. However, there has to be a point when unsafe practice is challenged, or nothing will ever change (except the appearance of reactive legislation when too many people get injured or die).


A colleague of mine said "no" to an unsafe practice, and refused to carry out the work. He was sacked resigned* from his position but the other freelancers decided they'd had enough and left as well. The procedures eventually changed, although it was a different crew who benefited.


As you rightly point out, many would simply put up with it, for fear of losing work.


* poor memory!

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Guest lightnix
It's easy to comment from the safety of a keyboard...


Agreed. However, there has to be a point when unsafe practice is challenged, or nothing will ever change (except the appearance of reactive legislation when too many people get injured or die).

The legislation is already more than adequate IMO, it's the enforcement that's lacking (although if the "word on the street is correct", that may be about to change for the entertainments industry in the next year or two :D ).


A colleague of mine said "no" to an unsafe practice, and refused to carry out the work. He was sacked from his position, but the other freelancers decided they'd had enough and left as well. The procedures eventually changed, although it was a different crew who benefited.
Well hats off to him. I hope he also invoiced for the job in full and pursued it through Small Claims (after all, as a freelancer you are only engaged to provide services, rather than do a specific job).


As you rightly point out, many would simply put up with it, for fear of losing work.
I don't know many who haven't at some time or another (including me), but things will only change if more people stand their ground.
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