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How not to use a fork lift

Stewart Newlands

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Work ok for me... huh.gif


Not that the blokes in the pictures would though!


If they carry on like that they'll not be working for anyone! Ever!


It looks pretty darn bad at first glance, and only gets worse when you realise that their probably wearling those nice colourful coats because its chucking it down with rain! Might be a bit slippy up there me thinks!

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the words "get off my site" would most likely have sprung to mind :) (or words similar!)


Or, if you're a bit more practical and want your tents up, stop work only for as long as it takes to get a forklift man basket delivered. (Or to send one of the tent guys out in their truck to pick one up.)


They're not expensive and readily available from anywhere you might hire a forklift. (Also HSS Lift & Shift etc.)

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Ah Seano,

You forget that these guys are 'real men' and no doubt very 'hard' who, if you asked them about it would no doubt point out to you that they've been doing this sort of thing for years! (in a slightly patronising fashion)


Does make me laugh that they're wearing the high-vis vests, as AndrewR said, that'll make it all safe then.

At least you'll find when he's lying on the floor! :)



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We are assuming that the men in the picture think what they are doing is fine.


It could well be that they have not been supplied with the right equipment but feel under pressure from either the event organiser or the marquee supplier to get the tent up even though they are putting themselves at risk. No doubt the people applying the pressure would step well away if anything did go wrong.


I'm really, really not saying that they should be doing what they are doing but just that it may not be entirely their own stupidity or bravado that has got them in to this situation. Yes they should walk away but that is not easy for some people depending on their personal circumstances.

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sad thing is though, that if the two companies that I think are involved in this photo are - an employee has recently lost some fingers in an accident on one of the sites.


saying that though - they are usually quite good for H&S - they usually have baskets etc.


but it looks like they have put that marquee together totally wrong - leaving the gable end till it's up - usually it's constructed whilst on the ground and then hoisted up with forklifts of cranes.



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I'm really, really not saying that they should be doing what they are doing but just that it may not be entirely their own stupidity or bravado that has got them in to this situation. Yes they should walk away but that is not easy for some people depending on their personal circumstances.

Quite right & well said.

I find the sanctimonious tone of some of these "How dodgy is this!?" type threads very wearing sometimes.

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