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nexo system


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I recently purchased a nexo system ps15 ps15 bass and ls1200 a side recently replacing a martin blackline s218 and H3t a side.

Ive had various teething problems with the nexo system ie no real thump or kick that I easily achieved with the martin system then ive been informed off the forum that the nexo controller crosses over at 80hz this is set by nexo controller the martin was crossed over at 120 ish is this the problem or am I expecting to much in comparison to what I was achieving with the martin system.,Is there anyone out there who has used the both systems who can help,nexo drivers are origional drivers.Thankyou.

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I can really only offer a couple of thoughts. You've replaced a martin rig consisting of a horn loaded mid/hi, and 2 front loaded 18s a side with a rig with a bandpass sub and a normal (front loaded?) mid/hi, and so, regardless of brands or price you can expect a drastically different sound from the rig, and I would expect the bandpass sub to go lower and loud, but sound a lot less "punchy".


To help to solve this, all I can do is suggest that you first check that the rig is appropriately amped - a channel of a camco vortex 6 or lab fp6400 for each side of the tops (with the ps15bass in parallel each side) and a channel for each sub as well, as the ps15s like to be driven hard. The only other advice I can offer is to use tricks such as compression, gating, mic placement and channel strip EQ to help stuff like kick drum come through more punchy.





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I'd agree with what Matt said, just by virtue of the different loading technologies the sound your going to get from the two systems will be quiet different, bandpass subs will go very low but they have a much less pronounced 'thump' when compared to reflex, which are again less punchy than horn loaded subs. Check your amps are up to it but bare in mind that if your after a chest pounding kick, bandpass subs probably aren't what you need.
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Have you bought 2 ls1200? Are you running them under each speaker stack? Try putting the subs together in the middle of your sound frame (between your L&R speakers). This might help the sound, but I don't think you will get the sound you are looking for because, as said above, the sub driver isn't loaded that way.
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I have A-B tested the Nexo PS systems against other systems before and the difference in the sub response is very noticeable. To be honest, those who have raved about the 'Nexo' sound have always surpised me. Then again, it all depends what you have heard in comparison.



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I'll expect the OP swapped rigs as he was sick of lugging those great things about. Its just a guess. But as a current user of similar sized boxes from the same company, all be it the touring range, I can think of many other boxes I'd sooner carry around. (But not necessarily listen to).


Whilst designs of subs can increase efficiency by a large percentage, I don't see how you are going to get an LS1200 to match a S218. The design is completely different. The offer similar output figures on paper.


What you need to look at is how the martin rig was setup. You've got that fairly punchy (if you want it to be) horn loaded 15 in the H3 which you can run lower than you think. if things were setup to do this then this may be where the difference is.


Out of interest you use the H3t which is the He with bi/tri switchable. Did you run them bi or tri?




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