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Close Range rear projection - We Will Rock you


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I am SM'ng WWRY in October and together with lighting are looking at the projection problem.


The society are hiring a set from Scenic Projects which requires projection onto a screen for large parts of the show.


Really this needs to be rear projection to stop shadows.


The stage is quite small & the director wants to open the stage up as much as possible.


This means I need to rear project onto a screen (approx 5000 x 4000, although a smaller screen is possible) as close as possible.


I have never projected before, except front projection in conferences, which is easy.


Any advice ?


The show is at Stourbridge Town Hall & the stage depth normally only allows for a maximum of 6' at the back ?, am I asking the impossible B-) ?



Thanks in advance,



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This might be useless or not. we were doing a show last December and I was having problems with angles. in the end we made cradled the Projector in the rig and key-stoned it (final size was approx 2mx2m. BUT In the course of looking for projectors that might work, our media supplier told me of a new lens for a projector (know idea what make) that would cover the size you want from something like 1M away. The lens was a extra and VERY expensive. I will try and find out more info If I can get hold of him.


So in all they do exist but are expensive, sorry I cant be anymore help.

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Back to the fag packet! Sketch what you need, and run it by your proposed projector hirer.


Most DIY ideas will look DIY on the screen, however you may have to look into curved mirrors such as vehicle door mirror or retail security mirrors but then it really will be trial and lots of errors before you have an answer ( one of hundreds (retail security mirror) http://www.insight-security.com/mirrors.htm )

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Presuming you mean 'consider this system to split your image across multiple projectors, each covering a small area of the screen,'...?


You read my mind ;-) only, it's not that coherent just past midnight.....


Dataton had a very impressive display at Plasa (05?) with a number of propjectors providing a panoramic picrure across the stand.

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I did a post regarding the options, except it seems to have naffed off...


Short throw Lens- typically 0.8:1 is the shortest easily available for the likes of the Sanyo and Christie machines. So your 5m wide screen with 0.8:1 lens will require a throw of around 4m. Plus you'll loose light due to the lens, and have a hotspot due to the short throw.


Watchout is one option for softedge blending several projectors together. Split the screen into four 2.5x1.5m chunks and blend those, but you'll still be looking at around a 2.5m throw. Several issues with Watchout- one is latency of live feeds. So if there are cameras in there you'll probably suffer with lip sync issues. If it's all off non-live sources it won't be an issue. The other is the matching of projectors- sticking 4 together will show any mismatches between the machines. Some suppliers will have matched machines for this type of work though.


Hope that helps.


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The society are hiring a set from Scenic Projects which requires projection onto a screen for large parts of the show.


Just to check, but this to me implies the set comes 'fitted' with a projection screen. Is it you who have decided on rear projection for aesthetics, or is the screen provided actually RP?


I say this just to check the obvious, that there is actually a clear path behind the screen, irrespective of theatre size.

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Just to check, but this to me implies the set comes 'fitted' with a projection screen. Is it you who have decided on rear projection for aesthetics, or is the screen provided actually RP?


I say this just to check the obvious, that there is actually a clear path behind the screen, irrespective of theatre size.




The set comes with a projection screen, front or rear, and a choice of two sizes (waiting for reply from Scenic Projects on exact size)


The screen sits just behind some rostra that people will be on, so they will be within 6' in front of it.


The cyc normally sits on the rear wall.


We could move the whole set down 6' to rear project, or project form the front.

Suppose from the front, could be on a fly bar, 20' away, but need to clear peoples heads, say 6' tall, 6' away from screen.


I think I will have to draw a side view out & see what height & distance it would need to be at !

But looks like rear projection is going to cost a lot with a small clearance.


When I get home later I will upload some details of the set to photobucket & post a link.

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