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Stand or Sit?

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I like a high desk, and a stool, so that during hairy cues I can stand, and during piano concerts for example I can sit, listen to my mp3 player and a read a book. When busking a show I prefer to stand, as in my venue, busking usually means, operating sound, lx and spots all at the same time!!
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For sound, I much prefer to stand for FOH (though I have used a tall swivel chair when there's not much to do) and sit for mons. Like just about everybody else though, I'll be standing when it gets "exciting".

Obviously if I' in with the audience in a theatre I'll sit.

It's quite a long time since I did any lights, but I would almost always sit for that.

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Seems to end up that I follow the rule when I'm on LX:


Gigs/Rock & Roll - Standing


Theatre - Sitting


Not sure why, as most times I could just as easily sit as I could stand, just the way the cookie crumbles.



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As others say really, I couldn't imagine standing through a week of board op'ing standing up (sitting down is bad enough) but when I do gigs I always stand up!
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With the majority, sat down and then stood up if things get a bit hectic, much easier to reach to the top of the larger desk. that said, when using some of the new digital desks I can sit where I am and I don't even need wheels.



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Anybody can see how at ease I am with the current show, merely by watching me. During plotting sessions, tech rehearsals and the early part of a run, I am usually standing. As I relax, learn the show, and everything is running as it should, I will perch my bottom on the edge of a high office chair. On the final night, I can usually be found feet up, with my hand poised nonchalantly over the "Go" button.



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Anybody can see how at ease I am with the current show,... ... On the final night, I can usually be found feet up, with my hand poised nonchalantly over the "Go" button.


Dear All,


I would like to apologise for the TWO lower case "I"s in my above post. As one of the supporters of good spelling and grammar on these forums, I really do not know what came over me... I do believe that my "Shift" key is not doing quite what it should...



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