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Vines / loose foliage


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Dear all,

I have just been asked to try and source some loose vine style lengths of plastic foliage for some set dressing.

I have tried the google route but to no avail, and was wondering if one of you wonderful chaps may have a suggestion.


Many thanks in advance for your time.

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Fabulous place, but you must prove it is for business and not personal use:


So it's purchase for an amateur production ist verboten unless done through some kind of business? I know some businesses are trade-only because they don't want to deal in small volumes to numpties but why would a business be openly hostile to customers who don't fit their perfect criteria?

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I could be wrong, but I suspect that the legalities involved in a "consumer" purchase may be different from those involved in a "business to business sale". Therefore by specifying "trade only" the seller does not have to worry as much about certain aspects of consumer law with respect to warranties, returns etc etc. Or maybe it's a tax thing.


Just a guess...

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Your local florist wholesaler should have plenty of suitable - www.countrybaskets.co.uk/ have a few branches cost is almost nil for chrap green stuff - Fp is your issue, Prospect Plant Display Botanic House, 4 Aston Mount, Bramley, Leeds, LS13 2BY make all kinds of bespoke trees in planters up to 40ft and understand the fireproof concept, most trees have Ivy or similar rount the base



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Fabulous place, but you must prove it is for business and not personal use:


So it's purchase for an amateur production ist verboten why would a business be openly hostile to customers who don't fit their perfect criteria?

I believe it's because if you only sell to other business you don't have to charge (and submit) VAT. Since this is only paid by the last customer in the chain. Therefore if the business deals 100% with other businesses they don't have to collect and submit VAT. Doing so for one or two (small volume) customers is more effort than it's worth.

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I believe it's because if you only sell to other business you don't have to charge (and submit) VAT. Since this is only paid by the last customer in the chain. Therefore if the business deals 100% with other businesses they don't have to collect and submit VAT. Doing so for one or two (small volume) customers is more effort than it's worth.


Er..no, before someone gets the wrong idea about VAT. A registered business (turnover limits) must always charge VAT (unless zero-rated for export etc.) on sales; the customer (if registered) can reclaim that as input tax and must then charge VAT when selling on. Assuming there is a mark-up the output tax will exceed the input tax and the difference (the Tax on Value Added) must be accounted for and sent to Revenue and Customs. Whether this has to be done for individual transactions or globally under one of the small business schemes also depends on turnover. As you say, the last customer effectively pays all the VAT, but the final seller remits only the difference, the rest is collected up the chain.


Their unwillingness to make non-trade sales may relate to accounting (not wanting to set up small accounts) or to consumer protection or to protecting their resale network.

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