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DMX projector shutter


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I scanned the search results for anyone that may have one of these for hire, but couldn't see one.


So - with all the discussions that have gone on regarding how to build a decent reliable DMX controlled shutter to place in front of an LCD projector, there MUST be someone out there who has built one.... surely....?


If so, any chance of a hire for panto fortnight in January??



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It's on my todo list, just massivly snowed under with other little projects at the moment, 10 of which are sitting in bits on my desk.


I should have got one sorted and pretty cheap by then. I will keep you updated. It's the mount that worries me, there is no standard system of attaching things to projectors.


Does it have to be DMX? I could whip you up a normal one with a remote control (via XLR) in a couple of days for cost price.

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Does it have to be DMX? I could whip you up a normal one with a remote control (via XLR) in a couple of days for cost price.

No - suppose not, as I think on it. An analog remote would be fine, esp as the video feed will be withthe noise boy's laptop, so he could then control it himself.



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Well, I am going to be working on some various designs and building some more prototypes around late september, some being basic CD-ROM drive types and others with stepper motors and servos and maybe even DMX control if I get the time and the money.


I am thinking that all the solutions will be less than £50 really, and hence hire is not really an option, that said if you really did want to hire one, I would just charge for delivery and pickup if thats ok ?

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I am thinking that all the solutions will be less than £50 really, and hence hire is not really an option, that said if you really did want to hire one, I would just charge for delivery and pickup if thats ok ?

Let me know what you can do and I'll probably buy one off you if suitable in that case. :)

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Try getting in touch with Glyn Edwards from the Belgrade Theatre, he is a member here. I know they made something up with a spare colour scroller before.

OK - possibility.

Will try him, thanks.

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The Lowry Centre in Salford have these in their main studio on the projector in the rig, which appears to be a commercial unit, is DMX controlable, and moves more than quick enough. Might be worth seeing if James or Tim (sorry, don't know either of their last names) who look after the studios, know what this unit is or where it came from.
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Or a bit of thin ali and a radio control plane servo, and a tester for same. See a good model shop...

Point was I have enough to do without making something that others may have in inventory. So the links to possibles have been helpful.

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Since my name was mentioned, I suppose I'd better add my bit.


Like Bryson, I've built a couple of scrolls to achieve this, usually ranging from clear to 1.2 stop ND. The first was just a series of frames taped together. The later ones were actually interlaced to create a smoother fade.


It isn't truely possible to black out a projector this way, but a combination of a "black image" and several stops of ND seem to reduce the spill to an acceptable level...


In addition it brings the light source (since that's what a projector is) back under the control of the Lx dept, which is preferable to my way of thinking. Also using a DMX scroller means that the positions are consistant every night, you can't forget to close it!


Hope this helps



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