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Lateral Thinking


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Hello all,


Just rooting through my photos and I found an interesting set regarding a bit of lateral thinking...


So, you're fitting up a site specific performance that's in a disused house. What you need to do is get a projection to fill an entire wall. You've got the widest projector you can get your hands on, but it's still not quite filling the wall. What do you do?






How about......







Take a 28lb sledgehammer and make a hole in the wall, then put the projector on the far side?












Well, it's one way. I suppose. :P

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Well, it's one way. I suppose. :P


Reminds me of a relative of one of my colleagues, who fancied a plasma screen TV. But it was out of his price range. So he made a "recess" in his living room, into which his existing 32" TV neatly fitted.


From the living room, it looked great. But in his bedroom, he had the back end of a telly sticking out of the wall...

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When BBC South TV were based in the old South Western House hotel, the continuity studio was in a broom cupboard (well a bit bigger, but not much) and the camera was in the corridor, just like Bryson's projector. OK, they had made good the rough edges...


I have a scheme for my TV a bit like that too, but I'm eyeing up the chimney breast for a bit of "modification".

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In reverse:


TV Cameras are banned from the main lobby in the Parliament building, but both BBC and ITN have now rented cupboards (in opposite corners of the lobby) where they're allowed to place cameras not in violation of this rule. So, opposite to the South Western House Hotel, at Parliament the cameras are in the broom cupboards and the reporters stand in the Lobby!



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A bit extreme!!! It would have been much easier and cheaper to use a mirror!!


Why Cheaper? If its a disused house, your not gonna have to make good the wall when you finish.


You'd have to go and buy or blag a mirror, but there is no shortage of heavy blunt objects......



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A bit extreme!!! It would have been much easier and cheaper to use a mirror!!



I'll ask the other question then.


Why easier?


Hours spent trying to get the mirror at the right angle for some one to come by and lean on it. Even if you didn't need the extra distance this looks like a good place to put the projector away from potantial audience interfearence.

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A similar "you want a projection tv story" but in this case your a bankrupt (and unusually practical - sorry comp. sci. people) computer science student. Scavenge from skips 1 No. OHP projector and 1 No. old TFT. Rip back and back light off TFT, play on OHP projector and play Halo at ridiculous size.
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Story from a sparks on a film shoot - the previous job he was working on was an advert filmed in Wales in a nice cottage. There was not enough room for cameras, set and actors and lighting in the room so the lighting company got the most of the roof removed and lit the room from the outside... Hopefully the weather held..

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