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Just taken on the task of trying to design a light show for a band, got plenty of ideas of what I want to do, just haven't got a great deal of technical knowhow to do want I want to, hope you guys can help me...


I want to produce a kind of strobe effect, I'm want to randomly cover the equipment of the band with 50-100 tiny stobes, about the size of an LED, so that when I flick a switch all the lights are producing very short flashes randomly. Is there anything available that will give me this kind of effect of has anyone got any suggestions ?



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Ultra bright white LED's (12 volters maybe) each with a random timer circuit would be expensive, but work. Personally, I think strobing unnecessarily is evil and I would suggest finding another alternative. A better, less strobeish effect would be to focus a zp on each peice of equiptment, and flash them in a semi-random order, for a short (1-2 secs) time each.
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I realise it's not quite what you asked for (alright - it's not what you asked for) but would you consider bits of reflective foil in the kit where you want the strobes then leaving it un-lit (at least front the front) then having a mover of some flavour pass along a line at hits all the shiny bits. Take ages to program I realise and frankly not as good, but if you ask me it beets the hell out of making 100's of astable timers and soldering LEDs on them.


Another thought I've just had, related to brains idea would be to take a number of strings of blueish mains voltage (un transformed) christmas lights and run them off a switch pack. Put several different strings on each piece of kit, on different sides so you can do some cool twinkly chases. Combing that with by last idea - put foil behind them and they'll be brighter. All the christmas lights I can think of are dimmer than a decent discharge source hitting a shiny surface.

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Thanks for all the responses, I've ordered some flashing LED's and I'm going see what I can do with them. Another question, I want to control 4 moving head lights, is it easier to do this with a DMX controller or with a laptop and can anyone suggest a good software package to start off with. As I said earlier I am lighting a live band so the timing will be different at every gig, what will be the best way to ensure lighing is in sync with the music. (please go easy on technical terms/jargon, I'm very new to this :unsure: )



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I think that there are a few topics about on live mover use. If its live music there is no way you can exactly time the lighting if I remember from the other topics the best thing to do is to have several sequences in subs and mix them.
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I've got a big bag of burglar alarm strobes for just this purpose. They run off 12V, so I generally just string them together with cheap wire and tape for the show. These strobes you can get from B&Q or TLC fairly cheaply.


I'm a big fan of computerized lighting, but I think you want a desk with buttons, subs and a joystick.

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