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Dave m

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Posts posted by Dave m

  1. what about Birdies with GU10 dimmable LEDs?

    I am aware that not all "dimmable" LEDs work with all dimmers


    we used Tungsten Birdies in a venue I worked in, hanging from above to provide a very nice pooled lighting around the seating and walkways

  2. You could encode the programme /stream from an hdmi output to one of these?https://www.farnell.com/datasheets/2672515.pdf


    Then tune each TV (assuming that you have dtv tuners and they aren't monitors?

    It basically becomes a digital tv channelIt relies on a simple coax.

    Or maybe a load of hdmi to cat6 back to hdmi and an hdmi distributor amp

  3. all of our POTs have been removed or don't work.

    Some phones around the place (in offices) have been replaced by new phones that seem to have 2 x Rj45 connectors on the back.

    90% of us just use our computers as a picture less video call. we don't get handsets or even earphones.


    As to emergency phones, they argue about every public access unit and say it must be near an existing network cable.

    The POTS was located where it was deemed necessary and a telephone line installed.

    It's a bit daft to remove an emergency phone connected to outside then complain that it's the user's fault that the infrastructure in inadequate to supply a safe replacement.


    To be honest, it's not a surprise, they removed everyone's individual printer and installed a networked system.

    Problem is that it doesn't work on Macs.

    This meant nobody could print anything for 6 weeks when they figured out a solution.

  4. a place I know has changed it's phone system to VOIP.

    This means that there are no handsets in offices, they all rely on desktop PCs or personal hand held devices.


    Previously the (Licensed) Theatre had at least one phone in the foyer available to anyone to ring 999.

    This no longer works as it's been disabled/disconnected.

    management's view is that Mobiles are everywhere.


    Incidentally the building is close to a Faraday cage as there's so much steel in it that reception is crap.


    They also have a separate licenced for entertainment venue on a different site


    Don't the regs have something to say about this?

  5. Because it's backlit, would using projection be of any use to exaggerate the amount of water without using unmanageable amounts?

    Might be difficult to sync but if the soundtrack isn't live it could be tied to video lessening the difficulty.


    just a thought

  6. Probably no point now but between Xmas and June we had a series of thefts that have hopefully stopped now.We also lost 2 802s but I am pretty sure we have a working PSU still as the thief wasn't too bright

    I can have alook? One was covered in tape but the other was in better condition

  7. how is it hauled?

    Is it moved around when dropped the 20M?


    I'd use a 20M HDMI ( over spec but worth a go) then worry about conversion to a more rugged format in the grid.

    GoPros have a delay lives switch off any image stabilisation and do tests.

    Any converter normally requires power hence HDMI out from the camera converted outside the auditorium.

  8. I agree about checking why fibre? Flying a small camera is easier than a bloody great thing.

    Hd-SDI would be easier to cope with and is cheap to replace in case of cable fault..Even a semi pro Hollyland Mars unit at £400 to buyYou get a few frames sync issue due to transmission but normally ok

    Pantographs might block more sightlines than you want?

    Have you seen the wirecam? Something tiny on a transmitter flying across rather than up and down?

  9. aren't they normally 650? Are they Aclaims?


    One obvious solution is to run the lamp with a lower lamp anyway.

    a 1200w light is going to stick out if all your other lights are on the low side.


    The Rama is 1200 but would normally have a 15A feed

  10. I read this as the venue don't want massive speakers cluttering up their nice venue?

    I think the mic number/split is a red herring.



    Have you thought about a more distributed low volume set up?

    I used to do a gig using Yamaha bookshelf active monitors as it was easier to hide the gear and was "just right" everywhere rather than blowing the socks off the front row to allow the back to hear.

  11. I have just (before this) ordered one one of those £11 mins from studio spares as a trial for pretty much the same reason. They are so cheap that they wouldn't be a great loss if damaged. I also have a couple of studio spares "451" knock-offs that were fine @about £30 from memory? Non modular but I knew that
  12. I sympathise with narrow doors and corridors but we used to store steel deck flat, bottom one on wheels.However in your case it sounds as if you'd still have the see saw effect due to a short or too steep ramp.I suppose a tail lift is out of the question? Or a dock lift?

    Using a longer ramp with a curve helps and maybe a winch to control the in/out movement? Plus more people loading?

    I'd be concerned that it might fall to one side and flatten someone who tries to keep it upright as well.Maybe having the pivot wheels just off centre, towards the front(?) would slow down the crash to the truck floor?

  13. https://www.varley-c...els-and-Rollers


    what about pallet truck wheels? they take massive loads and if the roller was slightly less tall than the castors it would remain out of the way on flat ground.

    Not too hard to make a steel U bracket as a mount, and the roller would only come into play when the front wheels lift off.


    Or if it's your truck that's always used could you use machine skates? so the rollers face upwards and the trolley bears on the skate and rolls along?


    either way it's going to move quickly when it reaches the balance point unless some damper (human or mechanical ) controls the speed of the see-saw


    I have a feeling it would be easier to buy a new arched ramp that works for your trolley length- the angle of front to centre of trolley can be halved.

  14. does anybody understand the post May 17th rules for events?

    We are trying to run an art show that will be part "real" but also streamed

    The traditional event is a packed series of studios with guests milling about. We have streamed several replacements since last summer using an atem mini pro /hosts on zoom/ prerecorded inserts and it was a success.

    This time it will be 50% live with inserts again, a couple of live cameras inside the venue, sent to a live audience outside on a big screen. Plus streaming.

    The problem is - groups of six/ 30 people max outside.

    What ARE the expected rules post 17th? Some big events can go ahead, autojumbles/theatre/cinema? Is it likely to be possible to have maybe 100 people if they behave?

    CheersI release "it depends..."

  15. You could use an atem ISO mini/extreme? It records all the inputs (so four/eight sections of the pitch onto a SSD. It does streaming as well, among other stuff that you couldn't need.It's £8-1200 depending on inputs plus (obviously ) cameras

    The files can be imported into davinci and multicam edited so the play can be guided but it would be a faff.

    I wasn't aware that the sports analysis was an ongoing expense? The camera records 180° so is on the centre of the midpoint

    Mevo's probably wouldn't do it but you can select zones on an iPad and switch areas to become full screen.


  16. a 50/50 mix of acetone and ATF is a very good penetrating solution used on old vehicles.

    Maybe set the lantern up with a small dam made of plasticine to surround and flood the ears. Wait a few days.



    Plus repeated hot/cold cycles.

    Air duster in a can used upside down makes dry ice if you don't have any circuit board freezer.


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