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Desert Island Lanterns


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OK...You know the plot.....you are about to be sent to a desert island...you are told that bthe maximum mains supply will be 13Amp (from the waterfall). You have a budget of £500 but can buy second-hand. You will put on shows in the darknness of the island and can choose up to 6 lanterns to buy and take with you.....what are your chosen 6 lanterns within your budget? The challenge is set!
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I would swim to the next Island and visit my friend Ian Dennis.


I would buy off him four of is Selecon Acclaim Fresnels (or PCs) for £62.50 and two of his Selecon Acclaim Zooms for £120.


And there you have it, 3KW for £500 :blink:


EDIT: because I would buy not but.

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well, I would probably buy more than 6 lanterns. I would buy maybe 4 par64's, 2 zoom profiles, 4 fresnels. Probably LDR's because they are cheap and of a decent quality. Or I would just buy 6 multipars (?kupo I think is their brand name). The things are built like a brick sh.t house and are cheap and versatile.
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