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Stage Weights


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Hi All,

I need some weights but, as usual, have a very small budget so I was think of making my own.


I will have 8 doors (very light probably only 8kg or so each) and at the back of them, there are 2 A Frames which will make them stand upright. One frame at each side of the door. Now, these Frames will need a weight at the bottom so they don't go toppling on to anyone.


I was thinking I could maybe get some small rubble bags (if they do small ones) and fill them with sand. We also have a load of bricks available to us so I was wondering if there was a way I could make my own weights using 2 bricks and some sort of bracing across the top.


Anyone else got any ideas?





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B&Q Bags of building sand, downside is that they are about 22kg each plus side is that they where 99p each last time I needed some. Not sure of there current price, but imagine it can't be much more, although can be messy when they split...



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I would recommend breeze blocks, (not the stupidly light ones that just fall apart when you show them the drill) but the heavy ones that break your toes if you are unfortunate drop them on your toes!! they are also cheaper than bags of sand from what I can remember and they are also less messy. B-)
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I have made sandbags before relatively cheaply. The main thing is to first make sure that the sand you use is completely dry! Wet sand will rot the threads.


I acquired some vinyl/plastic stuff and some old seatbelts.


I made 5 x 5kg 'pillows', 2 x 10kg 'pillows' and 10 x 2.5kg snakes (great for weighting down an overlength cyc, or for wrapping arround the base of a lighting tree). I think it cost me about $18 a cubic meter of sand. Bleached sand is extreamly pricey - it is what most people use in sand pits, unlike unbleached and packing sands. Packing sand is what I used but it takes a lot of TLC to get it to dry in grains, instead of large clumps. Once it is dry though, it works a treat.

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Hmmm some interesting ideas there!! thanks everyone!! the dead baby seal idea looks good - looks quite strong too.


I can't attach the AFrames to the floor- It's a nice polished wooden one and I don't think they would like me very much!! :P


With the Breeze blocks you mentioned, would you literally sit these on the bottom of the frame? I was think of making something that has a little gap in it like the normal weights have. That's where I was thinking I could use the bricks but I'm not really sure how to strap them together. Was thinking I could have 2 bricks next to each other with a gap of 2 inches then a bracing across the top. Not sure how I would attach this though because having a screw in a brick wouldn't be so strong????


Just had a brainwave of having the two bricks then one brick over the top of them so that the AFrame couldn't move. How could I attach them though?!! Would something like a strong glue be enough?




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No more nails might be a worth a try or good old cement. But I think that either way will need to use masonary screws or thread some thick wire through then for support.


OR if you have time make a little mould from wood and make up some cement with wires running through it.

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Anyone else got any ideas?




:) why don't you cut some 18mm ply the size of three bricks then GAFFA bricks to the board then you have your homemade stage weights.....


:) PLEASE don't quote the whole of previous posts!! Oh, and welcome to the Blue Room!

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