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Tech Specs


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Calling all touring technicians.


I'm currently putting together my technical specs pack for the new building, and I'm trying to make it as user-friendly as possible.

So, what do you like to see on a tech spec?

What format do you want it in?

How do you want to get it?

What info do people leave out that makes you angry?



I'll tell what I'm thinking so far:


A PDF containing the kit list, some basic measurements, the legal blurb, a groundplan and a lighting truss plan, available via e-mail and/or as a download from our site.

A CD containing the above PDF, the DXFs of the plans, maybe a a WYSIWYG plan (if CE will allow), photos of the space and the full contract text for shows that are confirmed bookings.


Anything else you'd like to see? Is the CD overkill?

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Number of comms lines inbuilt and what type you have.

Any In house kit that can be hired eg comms packs

Any inbuilt audio multicores eg No sends and returns.

Since you have a nice shiny projector, the numbe rof patch bays for this ie can it be run from FOH, Stage etc.

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Maybe some information about the load-in (stairs, accessability issues etc.)

Parking (is there a landline etc.)


One thing I have noticed about some PA specs I get sent is that they might say, for example, "We have LE400 wedges"...........err yes but how many?


Any noise restrictions/ dB limits in place.


Having pdf files available through a venues website is very useful providing it is kept up to date!

Typed venue specs. easily locatable by other staff in a venue office is handy for faxing information if someone doesn't have a computer (it is the case sometimes!).

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I expect to see on a spec sheet a minimum of:


1.venue dimensions: front of stage to back wall, pros height / width , wing width, width and depth of forestage / orchestra pit, clear working height above stage, (including maximum anything - max flying height, max loading, etc etc.)

2. type of floor - are variations available (eg different coloured dancefloor, sprung floor - can fixings be made? etc

3. list of available lighting equipment

4. list of available sound equipment

5. rigging / flying - no of sets counterweight, powerflying, hemp etc.

6. list of comms equipment available (inc relay equipment - sound and vision), and communication facilities with the outside world (external phone / fax line, internet access facilities etc)

7. information on backstage facilities: dock access, dressing room sizes and locations relative to the stage, green room / canteen, wardrobe facilities,

8. description of the sound and lighting infrastructure - number and capacity of dimmers, power available, number of tielines etc, whether non-dims / independants are available, whether CEM is available on sound panels,

9. a list of personnel available, and a contacts list of who to talk to by email / phone / post,

10 a set of drawings including plan and section - either paper copies or electronic versions compatible with AutoCAD,

11 and anything else you can think of - better to have too much than too little.


I think contractual things should go with contracts, but I know that some managements don't necessarily give technical staff access to these, so there's a case for including info about staffing numbers, contra-account arrangements, hours of work, access times, restrictions on operating equipment (i.e. "house staff only"etc.)


not bothered about photos particularly, but would look at them if they were included.


We always used to ask venues for details of the nearest launderette and tell us what coins we would need in case the wardrobe laundry equipment broke down! (very very important for dancers - all those sweaty jockstraps to look after)


and other things as mentioned in other posts!

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It had to be me that said it!


Number of washing machines, tumble dryers, costume rails, irons, ironing boards access to sewing machine?


Depending on your venue the answer may be NO to all of the above or yes we have a wardrobe dept who will be able to supply all your needs and for a small fee assist with repairs, laundry and dressing. It is good to know either way.

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Hi Bryson,


As someone who has to gather together tech spec's for tour's I would say having something at all would be a bonus!! You would be amazed the number of reasonable sized venues that don't.


Anyway back to the question, I think most things that need to be listed have been covered, but I would go with the downloading from website rather than a CD, much quicker and cost effective. You could always make it a password protected part of this site if you felt the need. Would certainly make it easier to keep it up to date.


Also make sure any stage/building plans are available in dwg/dxf format as well as pdf format. This makes it much easier for the technologically enlightened amongst us to overlay our existing plots.


Hope this helps!

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Standard rig plot


Exported copy of standard rig's busking show files


Link to, or copy of, the offline editor (let's face it, if you do a CD, you will have room)


Heigh access machinery (tallescopes, geni lifts etc).


locations and number of hard wired electrical sockets in the wings


distance between flybars

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and if your lx rig is fixed or can it be moved ie the lantens not the bars. there is no point saying you have 40 s4 15/30 zooms if when the tour turns up with there nice plot with them all on stage bars and you then tell them they have to stay on the foh bridge. etc etc.

not nice



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Thanks all so far. Some are a little obvious... (Sam...I'm looking at you....) but a fair few I hadn't got to yet. (Kinda forgot wardrobe..)


Just in case anyone is using this as a reference in the future, an idea I gleaned from this thread was: Lighting Desk software version.


Would phase info really be useful? I can't see that myself.


Another thought I've had is to separate the LX, Sound, Stage and Wardrobe info onto separate pages, so it can handed out to the respective departments once printed.

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