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Using IEMs with Motorola radios


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Hi everyone,


I work on concerts mostly and so it's quite a loud environment.


I've been looking for a way to use IEMs with Motorola radios - I want a box that can take the beltpack output and the radio output and combine (ideally with some adjustment) to use with some in-ears. Ideally it would have some limiting function too to calm the occasional wild Motorola moment.


I found a thing called 'AdaptEar' - on this forum in fact, but it's from ages ago and isn't available any more. It seemed to be ideal and ticks all of the boxes.


I can't imagine I'm the only one needing to do this so thought I'd ask you all to see what other people are doing. I'm happy to make something, or fudge together some other things to make it work.


Any pointers? Thanks :)



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Is this for IEMs for musicians/singers?

If so I'd caution against it for a number of reasons.


PMR audio bandwidth is quite small, which means the listener will miss a LOT of any musical content you throw down the line at them.

And the even more obvious fact that every man and his dog can run a PMR set both inside and close to the venue so there's a high risk of interference and noise from other users (even if they're encrypted you can still get crosstalk).


There's a reason IEMs are built the way they are and can't be done on the cheap like this.


If this is NOT for use with performers, then (possibly) ignore me, as it may be irrelevant.




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I want a box that can take the beltpack output and the radio output and combine (ideally with some adjustment) to use with some in-ears.


Is this for IEMs for musicians/singers?


Looks like a standard requirement for a sound tech who needs to listen to both radio comms and a desk feed. I can't help with a product suggestion but it does sound like there's a gap in the market.

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Thanks everyone!


I had tried to contact the makers directly but I was using an email from what looks like an old version of their website. For some reason I hadn't seen that one A Russell - so I've tried it and will report back!


Ynot - I agree with you but I think you might have misunderstanding what I was asking. I realise my question was maybe unclear. I'm actually trying to get the outputs from two non-cheap devices into one set of ears :) Would never consider replacing IEMs with anything else.




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Hi everyone,I work on concerts mostly and so it's quite a loud environment.

I've been looking for a way to use IEMs with Motorola radios - I want a box that can take the beltpack output and the radio output and combine (ideally with some adjustment) to use with some in-ears. Ideally it would have some limiting function too to calm the occasional wild Motorola moment.

I found a thing called 'AdaptEar' - on this forum in fact, but it's from ages ago and isn't available any more. It seemed to be ideal and ticks all of the boxes.

I can't imagine I'm the only one needing to do this so thought I'd ask you all to see what other people are doing. I'm happy to make something, or fudge together some other things to make it work.

Any pointers? Thanks


I have done something similar in a big hurry by adding an extra PMR (actually I used a scanner) and an additional mixer (Spirit Notepad) into the IEM transmitter. It's OK as long as the IEM is exclusive to just you! In our case we were trying to get the PMR to several IEM wearers.


Edit: Sorry Jon didn't see your reply.

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I made one - commoned them up with two 22Ohm resistors providing some isolation. Kenwood radios, Tecpro comms. Volume controls needed to be balanced carefully. The only thing is that the Kenwood radios have very non-flattering audio compared to the Tecpro. So on the plus side - very easy to tell which is which, but the volume on the kenwoods needs to be watched, because a loud SCHHHHHHHWPPPP noise when the squelch opens on a weak signal is painful!


I used a coke bottle cap, drilled 3 holes, stuffed the bits in and filled with ordinary epoxy. Used a 3.5mm socket on the first version and it kept falling out. V2 was with a cheap pair of in-ears and I cut the plug off.

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