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Dante AV


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My point is that if it's as flexible as audio Dante then this is going to be quite a powerful development. Connect projector to network. Connect device to network. Stuff works. You want to join this room and that room? Done. You want to record that? Done. You want to present from a different location? Is there a network point there? Done. If this takes off the same way then this will make life a lot easier!
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Whilst this is true to a certain extent, one protocol/format will always win through, whether it's the best or not. Research the Betamax v VHS v Video 2000 (if you've even heard of it) debate from the mid eighties if you're too young to remember it in person.


Dante is well on the way to becoming the 'industry standard' for digital audio transmission, yes there are console manufacturers who still run their own proprietary (or re-engineered from another standard) protocols for digital audio transfer, there are also far more manufacturers who now support Dante along with their original/own system or have abandoned their original system altogether in favour of Dante.


On this basis I think Dante AV will make some significant headway in this 'interconnected' world.

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The biggest issue I see with Dante AV is that Audinate have never been open with their control side of things - "Use Dante Controller" is their answer to almost everything.


You could get away with that in Audio land to a certain extent as if you needed to do real-time routing in a user friendly manner you could just use a central DSP to act as a matrix. In video however, I cannot see the DAV chipset handling more than 1 stream (unless they come out with a 10G version). If I cannot do an (end) user-friendly routing then it is near useless to me. Especially with Crestron NMX, AMX SVSi, Biamp TesiraLUX a whole host of other 1G solutions as well as the 10G SDVoE standard out there.

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We come across loads of AV installs where folk have Display devices with embedded HDBT, Crestron Connected etc sockets which are never used - often you find a third party HDBT or HD over LAN RX plus a Control device hanging off of the Display device.


Looking forward to seeing Dante AV at ISE next week.






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