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Media Shout


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I don’t know if I am allowed to post this as media shout is generally Christian projection software. However does anyone know of a UK distributor of Media Shout, which we already have so more importantly a distributor of Media Shoutable products?



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Unusual product marketing. If it's capable of what they say on the website, they why on earth are they marketing it in such a narrow context? I can see that it has grown out of a specific niche product, but seems much more capable, and the marketing should really evolve to encompass all the markets it can serve. Odd.
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Unusual product marketing.  If it's capable of what they say on the website, they why on earth are they marketing it in such a narrow context?  I can see that it has grown out of a specific niche product, but seems much more capable, and the marketing should really evolve to encompass all the markets it can serve.  Odd.


Media shout v3 isn’t out yet, but if you buy v2.5 now you get a free upgrade when v3 is out. It is a good piece of software well the best and it ought to be at that price. All the big UK Christian events I go on like Soul Survivor use it (well they did last time I went).


Bryson it does everything it says it can do on the website and yes would be a great piece of software in the industry (used even for mixing live video into projectors from cameras via a vision mixer before you get to the computer but the PC is the final projection mixer and well is great) I have only just started using v2.5 though and hoping to get v3.


Why are they marketing for the Christian market only well because that is what they want to do and there vision and there way of serving god (sorry I will not get religious as this isn’t allowed on this forum, well I wouldn’t have though so). Basically although they are a corporation looking to make money they (well the directors I presume but I don’t know for sure) aren’t in it purely for profit but they are in it to serve and bring a really badly needed piece of software to churches. You try doing worship lyrics on PowerPoint it is a nightmare. This is basically a really cool piece of software which deals with church projection and AV requirements really well.


Well this is just my take on it anyway,

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The Christian 'niche' (if I may call it that) is quite specialist. Marry the AV requirements of a blue chip client requiring multiple inputs, PowerPoint, song word projection with camera/image underlay, a programme that goes from rock/pop music to a coprorate presentation then back, staffed by volunteers and with a shoe string budget and you have the church market.


I guess the guys at MediaShout are doing it to serve this market, and create something that fills the gap in the market. I know that once it goes to Mac, I'l be very tempted to utilise it within my equipment list.

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I use Easy Worship, which is a less expensive piece of software and is pretty good too. It has the best way of overlaying and can be used in conjunction with a video capture card for real time cam feeds etc.


But If I had the choice and the money, I'd buy Media Shout. I had the 30 day demo on my PC, though never actually installed it as I never needed it, but one of my friends use the product at ROOTS 2003 and it did look good.


Downloading it again now

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  • 3 weeks later...

Morning everyone!


Media Shout is available from Kingsway (www.kingsway.co.uk). You will be looking at about £250-270 for V2.5. V3 has been released, in the USA at least on 15th June this year (www.mediashout.com).


I have used it for the past 4/5 years but mainly for media playback rather than anything else. I usually use Words of Worship for any song words and fire them from another PC, overlaying them separately with 'little magic boxes'!


Indeed the ROOTS conference do use it, I was the assistant tech coordinator for a few years, the Salvation Army use it a lot for firing all their media, as do Spring Harvest, I think every venue, including mine, was using it there this year.


There are litterally thousands of programmes out there and most of them can be downloaded for a free trial so choose carefully! There are pleanty of programmes available for PC, fewer for Mac, but I have heard that there may be a possibility of MediaShout launching a Mac version - although have not heard this officially - though would be nice!


Also, I would advise to be aware of copywrite on content that you are 'shouting' (or firing!). There are quite a number of DVDs which are now available to buy, where you purchase the rights to the footage as well (about £40 a DVD) so you can use them, edit them, etc. One of the DVD series that MediaShout has teamed up with is the Highway series available from ICC (www.iccrecords.com) and they advertise this as Shoutable Media.


Please feel free to ask me on or off forum about this sort of thing

Happy 'Shouting'

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  • 1 month later...

Hi there


I am lucky enough to use Media Shout, Words of Worship and also SongPro.

Media shout and SongPro also available from DM Music £270 and £190 respectively. I don't know how much Words of Worship costs.


Personally I don't like media shout. Coming from a charismatic church background where songs can be started spontaneously, the search function takes its time. Words of worship is very good at searching for songs, either by first line or any line. I was never a real fan of songpro, but I used it at an event this summer. There is a new version coming out, which is pretty good, and when it ran on the crap PC I was supplied with by B+H it was fine.


I need to test it out properly on my personal PC which I use for CTP.


However I would say if someone could combine all 3 programmes, they will be laughing.

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Hi y'all,


Words of Worship is used at New Wine (and I guess Soul Survivor?). Richard Denham usually oversees the video there.




(are we off topic enough yet??!!)


well yes we are getting a little off topic...


I have recently downloaded a trial version of mediashout 3. its from there site and allows you to open it 30 times before it locks you out. As Tim P has mentioned, Kingsway are the only UK distributers at present and they still only have 2.5 available.


If you want to buy media shout I recommend waiting to buy v3 its lots better - not just because of the new features like cueing DVD clips and firing them as normal shoutable footage, but because it gives you a lot more control over the stuff you want to use.

Although from my experience of V3 you will need to have a fairly powerful Machine to run it on properly - my laptop struggles a bit with the new features (perhaps its time to get the boss to buy me a new one!)


anyways thats enough about that. I would like to see the mediashout guys do a corporate version because they would make a stack of cash! and they wouldn't need to change much just take the bible bit out perhaps.


thats enough from me,

see ya,



(ps - Mr.Si, save up and get mediashout, tis much better than what you use)

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Despite not using mediashout a lot, it is a great piece of software, and once I get my hands on the new version I'm sure it'll be amazing.


The biggest downside for using any of these programmes is the song database. Each programme is used by different streams of people and therefore if you choose the wrong one, you're going to have to input all the lyrics.


Soul Survivor, New Wine, Spring Harvest use Words of Worship

Newfrontiers use Songpro (but if they get me a new copy of mediashout, I may use that!!)


Songpro databases are now compatible with mediashout so its easy to upgrade

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(ps - Mr.Si, save up and get mediashout, tis much better than what you use)



(was never my decision to get it though)


I´ve downloaded the latest demo about 2 months ago, but not had the chance to install and try it out yet.

Will definitely buy it though, if I have the chance, although I need to save up and get some second hand Lab Grup´s to drive my new FOH speakers.


Oh, and then either a Sony DSR390 or HDR-Z1E would be wanted too!

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(ps - Mr.Si, save up and get mediashout, tis much better than what you use)



(was never my decision to get it though)


I´ve downloaded the latest demo about 2 months ago, but not had the chance to install and try it out yet.

Will definitely buy it though, if I have the chance, although I need to save up and get some second hand Lab Grup´s to drive my new FOH speakers.


Oh, and then either a Sony DSR390 or HDR-Z1E would be wanted too!

Spend, Spend, Spend Mr Si!

its always nice to have new toys....

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I've just installed MediaShout EV (the evaluations version)


I am sorry to say that I was


1. Gutted to find that it was a really cut down version - I'm sure the previous version was a fully equipped version but as a 30 day trial.


2. Didn't get on well with it, so I probably won't buy it for a long time if at all. Easy worship "seems" more user friendly to me at the moment, but then I guess that that's its philosophy (sp?)






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