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The story of being a student technician

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Hi we have got a Fashion show on for too nights and this is what’s happened so far…


Been in college all day I mean since 8:45 setting up all day rushed around to make sure that we was ready for 11 because they sed that’s the time they coming in and starting to rehearse… so from then to dress we have been tarring up the set ect waiting for them to get in, they started the dress/tech at 2:40 something… we stopped at around 5 (8 hours+ with NO break) and then they came up to me and sed and this is there own words “are you going to play my music u fat ######?†then it continued to “ well fat ###### u is getting paid 4 this I ant! Init! So what u going 2 about it???â€


So as me and my tech tutor agreed we would go for a hour break… (he did not here this) so what would you do about this? The person “running ther mouth off†is a student at the same college…


I think taht im going to see her tutor about this... but im not too sure


Thanks martin

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Students have no respect for other students. This happens. I see students talking to other students like this where I work, and kids are generally more rubbish these days when it comes to being polite.


I'd also advise you to spell check your posts!

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I'm sorry, I'm having some real difficulty understanding what you're actually saying. If you are genuinely dyslexic, try running stuff through a spell checker before posting it. Punctuation would help, as well.


As I always say, help us to help you. Poor communication will not get you anywhere in this business.

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Ok. I'm going to fix the thread title.


I think I get it. Basically you were doing a long day, and another student (a performer of some kind) was excessively rude to you. They thought, incorrectly, you were getting paid.


I'd absolutely complain to your tutor, who should pass it on to their tutor. They need to learn to respect the backstage people, or they'll never get anywhere. It'll help them as much as it makes you feel better.


In a nutshell, my advice is to complain to your tutor about it.

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When I was in my GCSE year I was asked to light the GCSE drama performances.

I spoke to the groups, explaining I would need a script and at least 3 rehearsals (designing on rehearsal).


2 groups followed my rules, and organised rehearsals (including 2 full days in easter)


2 groups accepted on the night all they would get is one colour/ mood of wash with some facial in as well.


2 groups wanted the earth and had neglected to speak to me until 3 hours before curtain up. They were very rude to me as well.


They got the fluorescent working lights.

The drama teacher fully supported me in that decision.


Top 4 groups were very appreciative, and the first 2 gave me some chocolates! hmmmm


Bottom 2 groups didn't even say goodbye.......

They also failed that module.

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[Repost of lost message]


In a nutshell, what I said before the server booted my post was; I am a paid tech at Uni and If anyone speaks to me like that, the gear is switched off until they learn how to ask properly.


[/Repost of lost message]


EDIT: The forum clock is still wrong :(

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the time is personal to you, go to control panel, board settings and put in the correct base location, and bingo - the clock will be correct!




Indeed that works, but only if we want to live in the Azores or the Cape Verde Islands... :(



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From the lost posts thread (In Issues)


The clock is probably your Daylight savings setting, accessible from the control panel.  Again, losing that setting might be due to the server problem, but you may just have never noticed!  I never look at the timestamps.



Edit: Yes, definately not my end - changing to daylight saving time puts the clock 2 hours out  :(


Ditto here


It does look like the clock on the server has also been altered, and I will look into them resetting this.  I'm posting this message at 2:40pm Cardiff time.


If anyone notices any other unusual activity, please feel free to contact me.




Back on topic;

We had a very short notice fashion show recently too. Our set-up was limited dueto their need to rehearse. When it comes down to it; if they can't give you the courtesy of advanced warning and politeness, it is only their fault when things go wrong.

I realise that we are all (or at least striving to be) professional when working, but there are times when the 'talent' have to learn the hard way.


I presume that the students involved in this show are looking towards a career in this area. It's best that they learn how to get on with people both personally and professionally at this early stage.

As for the rude person, they will probably not make it that far unless they change their attitude, and it will be their own fault.


Good Luck

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I could have sworn I already replied to this :(


Anyway, I find myself in a similar situation to you frequently - I help out by LX oping and rigging for GCSE/A-Level drama exams, and the students do have a tendency towards arrogance and rudeness. I usually give them one chance, then I just switch off the equipment and go home. Usually after that's happened a couple of rehearsals running they get the message and I have no problems with them after that.

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Where are the staff in these schools/colleges? Not only should you not have to deal with this kind of attitude neither should it be up to you to take any action over it. Your tutor must take this up with the other students tutor and it should be reflected in the marks that they get for the piece.


On the bright side as actors move on they generally begin to realise that technicians are in much greater demand than they are.


After you graduate you will probably be working in a theatre and they will be learning a new script-


'Do you want FRIES with that'


'Do you WANT fries with that'

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Where are the staff in these schools/colleges? Not only should you not have to deal with this kind of attitude neither should it be up to you to take any action over it. Your tutor must take this up with the other students tutor and it should be reflected in the marks that they get for the piece.


On the bright side as actors move on they generally begin to realise that technicians are in much greater demand than they are.


After you graduate you will probably be working in a theatre and they will be learning a new script-


'Do you want FRIES with that'


'Do you WANT fries with that'

In my school at least, the drama teacher does get told about our problems with any actors, and she usually says she supports us, but when it comes down to it she doesn't actually take any action.


It is kind of understandable though - she, like the majority of drama teachers, is primarily an actor. She sees things from an actor POV, just like we see things from a technician POV. If, as an actor, she doesn't have a problem with it (as she doesn't understand the implications for the tech side), then she's probably less likely to act on it.

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