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DMux output cables


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Hi guys,

I am having trouble sourcing a connecting cable for the above.


It is a 25 pin D plug from the back of the demux to connect the analogue input of the zero 88 beta pack dimmers


a) does anyone know where I can get them from

b) is it a case of make them up yourself - in which case what kind of cable do I need and where can I source it

c) does anyone have any out there they don't need anymore


may the force be with you - sort of



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Either solder it up yourself, or find someone that's handy with the hot end of a soldering iron to do it for you. Components shouldn't cost more than about a tenner. Fiddly, but not too difficult.


The 25 pin D connector is a standard thing in the IT world. The 8 pin DINs are less common these days, but most of the big suppliers do them.


If you're stuck, Maplin also do 8 pin DIN, but it's the horrible plastic-bodied ones, not metal. But they'll work fine. They just tend to come apart when you pull them out...


Cable - you'll need a few lengths of 8-core stranded cable. If you're stuck, UTP patch cable (NOT installation cable, which is solid core) will do the job.


Search thru the archives - there was a recent posting on making a similar cable for a Behringer desk (which usess a 15-pin D connector) which had info on pin-outs etc. Common up the earth (or 0V) lines, and leave the +12, or +15 or whatever, supply unconnected - so you only solder up 7 wires in each DIN...



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Stupid question... have you tried the manufacturer of the demux for maybe a standard part? Is it the same as the multi-way connector on the back of a Sirius? If so... try zero 88. Or, short of that... make it yourself :)
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First try the kit manufacturers - demux, and Z88, then the remaining suspects AC SLx 10/10 WL Vipco etc. then go off scene and look into revamping something that may be similar. Only then do you need to think about buying components and assembling a lead yourself assuming your skills in that are OK. Many companies have reps on here, lots place large or small ads in L&SI and other mags.
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First try the kit manufacturers -  (snip ) then go off scene and look into revamping something that may be similar. Only then do you need to think about buying components and assembling a lead yourself assuming your skills in that are OK.


As the man says, it all depends on your skillset. Personally, I'd make it up myself, because I've already got most of the bits I need, any others I can easily get, and the time it would take me to solder the thing up would probably be less than it would take to phone round a pile of suppliers, find one who has exactly the piece of (virtually obsolete) cable that I want, then sort out payment and delivery.


Also, in this case, I know I'd definitely get something that works, rather than a cable which had the right plugs on each end and is probably wired up the right way. (how many "standards" are there for wiring up 8-pins?)


But that's just me - your mileage may differ :)



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from experience at the uni dramabarn, someone (not me I hasten to add) bought a replacement which cost £50, and that was the cheapest they could find, why we didnt just make it up I don't know... would have saved £40ish!


so what im saying is try to make it up ;-)

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What I've done in the past, is taken an old printer cable and cut off the printer plug.


Then I have taken a small Maplin/RS/wherever box, about 2"x4"x1", and mounted four 8 Pin Din Chassis mount sockets. I have made up two of these, one for Pulsar standard, and one to Zero 88 standard.


Working within the box makes termination of the cable easier, as the sockets tend to have quite big terminals on them.

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Do strand use the same standard as Pulsar or Z88? Or is theirs some weird mix of the two...


Just asking as I'm considering using a showtec multi exchanger which also requires a breakout cable in order to control a mix of Strand (Tempus and Install 6) and Pulsar (unknown, its old and the markings are no longer legible) dimmers


I know about not connecting pin 7 when going to the strand kit, but does anything actually require pin 7? If not, would it be best to leave as not connected on all the cable I build.

Also, has anyone used the showtec unit before? Is it reasonably reliable? I am a bit wary of it as the price gap between it and strand kit is enormous. This is for a school to use, not anything really important and we dont have the budget for the good stuff.

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Strand use the same pin-out as Z88. See HERE


However, at least some of them (tempus, maybe others - generally older stuff) use 0 <> -10V rather than 0<> +10V as a control voltage.


You may find that the dimmers can be configured to use +10v or -10V. You may also find that they cannot, in which case you'll need an inverter.



Pin 7 on strand/Z88 (and pin 1 Pulsar!) is used to supply DC power to the desk from the dimmer packs. Depending on the desk, it may or may not be required....



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  • 2 years later...
Indeed, much cheaper if you make them yourself, however if you see how much time goes into making these cables and how Bl***y fiddly they are I'd buy one too ( ok I know I would say that but........... I really would) !!!
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