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Audience truss climbing detrerent


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I'm pretty sure a marquee company in the UK also caused an injury/death when they sited a tent right under an overhead line. They just seem to lack the common sense or ability to differentiate between telephone lines and high voltage distribution lines. That or they're idiots driven by greed.
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Cladding truss is usually unnecessary, David, as it is mostly behind barriers and pit crew here in the UK. It is common enough to use 8 foot ply boxes decorated up for circus tent king pole lattices when alcohol is involved but mostly some decor wrapping suffices. Our problem is stopping the artistes climbing the stuff though


Clive, the MUTA guide even has stick men diagrams to simplify clearances with drawings of what poles carry which voltages. I haven't heard of a marquee associated fatality so a link would be much appreciated but we have a few incidents a year from ladder carrying. You know yourself that common sense is as rare as rocking horse sh1t and that we live in a short-termist greed society. The best we can hope is to learn, educate and illuminate.


For all the complaints about "Elf'n'Safety Nazis" the UK is still one of the safest couple of places in the world to go to work. This incident in Brazil led me to look it up and until 1991 you were 50 times as likely to get killed at work in Brazil as the UK. In 2000 that fell to 30 times as likely but despite serious efforts it is still 15 times more likely that you will die at work in Brazil. And that is "as far as we know" because non-fatal work injury is hardly ever reported and even fatalities are under-reported.

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I wonder if the overhead lines were erected to power the event, and therefore not present, or not live when the trussing was built ?


The violent electrical flash on contact suggests it was high voltage cabling. It's very unlikely that would be run in temporarily for an event. And definitely not above metal trusses where an induction risk could occur.

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