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HW/Trantec Lavalier/radio mics


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I've been asked to have a look at a radio mic that's misbehaving. Can't remember the model number, but it's a HW International-badged Trantec unit. VHF, non-diversity, probably at least 10 years old, maybe more. It's a fairly common type.


The problem is the lav microphone itself - very noisy when moved, almost like a broken wire or dry joint inside it. But there are no broken wires obvious.


The mic is a small cylinder, maybe 20mm long and 8-10mm in diameter. Grille on one end, and the back end has a slot which allows the back to screw off. This back end has a spring which makes contact with the screen of the cable - just like inside a torch!


further inside there are a couple of plastic spacers, then a threaded brass ring which seems to hold the mic insert in place. That ring looks like it could unscrew.


Anyway - before I strip the thing down, has anyone else been here? Is there anything I should know? Or am I wasting my time- should I just salvage the lemo connector and replace the mic?




EDIT: Answering my own question....


The mic itself was fine. The soldering was fine. The problem was the cable, where it enters the mic and also where it enters the plug. Obviously years of flexing has degraded it. Cutting both ends back a few inches and resoldering made a huge difference.


Looks like there's a transistor inside that mic as well....that's what was behind the locking ring, and the red & black wires were soldered to it.... the 3rd "leg" went to another torch-style spring which connected with something further up the housing!



So. Next question. it now all works fine, but the clip is broken. Any sources for spring clips? I've currently got it attached to a mini croc-clip with some tiny tie-wraps, but there will no doubt be a "proper" solution!



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Those older units should accept any of the present Trantec mics. If you are wanting to repair it, then it's worth trying to replace the cable (Canford sell some reduced diameter cable).


Even if it doesn't work, the old HW units were fairly well built and might be worth keeping running with a new mic. The TS259 is a cheapo (~£35?) and the TS55 a much nicer one (~£100?) both from Trantec.


Otherwise, buy your favourite mic and wire it onto the Lemo...


Lastly, most of the older Trantec systems are now repaired by a third party company. Call Trantec and they'll give you details.



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So, after some extended testing, it sounds good as new. There was no obvious damage to the cable, but it definitely had suffered at both ends, where it enters the plug and mic. All I had to do was trim it back and resolder.


So the owner is now happy.


Is it possible to buy the mic clips separately, or do I have to improvise? So far, I've used a croc clip and an old clip-on tiepin. But it'd be good to get a proper clip.




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I'm not sure who made the mic capsule for the HW branded Trantecs, but I believe Trantec were using Audio Technica for most of their lapel mics at the time.


Since AT still make quite a wide range of lapel mics, try measuring your capsule and see what they have that fits.



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Thanks simon, that's useful info.


I also see canford do "universal" clips which fix on to the wire rather than the mic itself. Might try one of them.


Any other sources? CPC, Farnell and RS don't seem to have them....



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Fixed. Total cost, effectively zero....


Take 1 spring clip - I started off using a croc clip, but the Mk2 version used a clip which was originally used to attach a "visitor" name tag to my jacket when I visited some company, and forgot to hand it back in....


Rub with fine wet&dry paper


Spray with satin black paint


Attach mic capsule to clip with 1 small black cable tie


Secure lead with a second tie


And Robert is your Mother's Brother......



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