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laptop dedicated video player


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this is only partly a real world case but it got me thinking...


to buy a new laptop for the sole purpose of playing looped HD video from VLC to an existing projector via HDMI in a gallery space, how cheap would you dare go for something that does nothing else for several weeks, but needs to hold up with no risk of failure or quality issues...? is under £130 too risky for something that, on the face of it, meets the specs? https://www.shop.bt.com/products/asus-t100chi-intel-atom-z3775-2gb-64gb-10-1--windows-8-1-t100chi-fg007b-B6MS.html


could do with being new with a official looking invoice rather than a 2nd hand bargain, and no rasberry pi / headless / homebrew - it would need to be looked after by someone with basic windows skills. let's say it has no long term consideration after the exhibition and will be donated somewhere.

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Sounds like a media player would be ideal for that sort of basic usage.


If however you want the extra flexibility afforded by a laptop personally for that price range and basic usage I'd want to go for something I could service in an emergency and would therefore probably just build something cheap, cheerful but reliable. An m-ATX build on something like AMDs kabini platform would suit this sort of usage well, it's pretty popular for HTPC builds. Run it on a barebones linux distro and you've got something that's cheap, easy to service and simple to replace any parts should (heaven forbid) anything go wrong.


Plus for a similar price it'll outperform that laptop you linked.

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if you need to play looped video in a gallery, use a media player, a laptops not fit for purpose for so may reasons . Why should it need operated by the staff, they have enough to do - just schedule it on a dedicated media player and the staff needent get involved. Brightsign Ls422 fits your budget and it will "Just work". https://www.brightsign.biz/digital-signage-products/ls-product-line/ls422.
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