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Good Value Goose Necks


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I have a job coming up where I need 6 Goose Neck mic's for a presentation panel. Basically a long Q&A session at the end of a conference with 6 people sat at a top table.


I have 6 XLR table bases but the mic's I used to use in them have slowly either died or have gone on other projects, so I'm after a new set of matching mic's.


Do you have any favourite mic's for this application? I have asked for good value recommendations, I'm not expecting 6 for £10 but equally I've not got £200 a mic. In an ideal world I would be looking at around £50 - £60 per mic, but if theres anything really good value @ £20 each or a real advantage to £80 each then I'd look at either.



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Try the AKG D542 - they are fairly cheap but unterminated. I think you can pick them up for around £30?


I have a job coming up where I need 6 Goose Neck mic's for a presentation panel. Basically a long Q&A session at the end of a conference with 6 people sat at a top table.


I have 6 XLR table bases but the mic's I used to use in them have slowly either died or have gone on other projects, so I'm after a new set of matching mic's.


Do you have any favourite mic's for this application? I have asked for good value recommendations, I'm not expecting 6 for £10 but equally I've not got £200 a mic. In an ideal world I would be looking at around £50 - £60 per mic, but if theres anything really good value @ £20 each or a real advantage to £80 each then I'd look at either.



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Try the AKG D542 - they are fairly cheap but unterminated. I think you can pick them up for around £30?


Thanks for the reply,


I'm specifically looking for something to plug directly in to a mic base.



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May be worth checking what you can get the Audio Technica Pro49Q or Pro49Q L for.... usually about £100 street price, but they are a well behaved mic and a more "known quantity" than some of the third party items around?
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