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Strand Act6+ Fault/Query


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Hi Troops,


I've a late model (2000-ish) Act6+ (Analogue only) dimmer pack sitting on my workbench which I've a query with.


I've run a temporary 13A tail in to the terminals purely for testing and only channel 1 seems to function and then only on the "test" button.


There's only one test button, so I assume this should fire all six channels?


Plugging in my trusty Pulsar 6 way desk (Suitably reconfigured for Strand/Zero88 and which I know works perfectly), brings up NO lights at all.


All the rack fuses test out fine and the pack says "+/- 10V" next to the connection, so the connection should present no issues.


Another pack salvaged from the same place does exactly the same thing.


So what am I missing?

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I'm fairly certain that the ACT6+ with one test button only fires channel one. There is a later version with six test buttons. I can check tomorrow morning.


I'm afraid I can't help with anything else.

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The 8 pin DIN has 0V on the centre pin (pin 8) and -15V on pin7.


I’d be getting a few resistors out to get a -10V from the -15, and trying it on pins 1-6.


(in fact, I’d probably just bridge the -15 from pin7 to pins 1-6 in turn with a 10k resistor.... but don’t take that as a recommendation!)




Was it originally on a single phase or 3-phase supply? If 3-phase, did you put back the bridge on the ph1/2/3 terminals to convert back to single?




it’s unlikely, but check that someone hasn’t “been there before you”, and helpfully rewired the 8 pin DIN connectors to Pulsar pinouts rather than Strand/Z88...


I’d be poking a meter into the DINs to find the ground and -15, and check they’re in the expected place, then putting -10 on the remaining pins.

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Sorry if this is a silly question but you do know it uses negative control voltage, 0 to -10V?

Altering the plug wiring of a Pulsar 6 way controller to Strand/Zero88 will not make it work on negative voltages. I'd have thought it's not even possible to do this without major rebuilding as I think they have some active electronics in them.


When you say you know the Pulsar controller works perfectly, what dimmer is that with?

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Thanks all for the comments.


Bruce - The Din connector is hard soldered straight on to the board, so I can't see that the pins will have been changed, but I have another "unconverted" Pulsar sitting about, so I'll try that. Also, the single phase bridge is in place.


The existing house desk was an LX 24, so I'll hook that up tomorrow and see if there's any life.


Timsabre - I'm fairly certain it runs both ways for voltage as it says so next to the Din connector "+/-10v".


I've found the data sheet at the Strand Archive and I've another couple of options to try tomorrow.


I'll report back.

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The Act6+ does indeed accept both + & - inputs but it only supplies -16 volts on the DIN connector. This won't work with a passive desk which is expecting a positive supply. The way to check it out is by connecting either a desk which supplies its own power or by just bridging between the -16v pin (7) and any of the channel inputs (1-6) on the DIN. Inputs go via a 39k resistor so you won't do any damage by connecting directly but it would be better to use a limiting resistor just in case you accidentally bridge 7 and 8.


The test switch on some models does only operate channel 1.



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The Act6+ does indeed accept both + & - inputs but it only supplies -16 volts on the DIN connector. This won't work with a passive desk which is expecting a positive supply. The way to check it out is by connecting either a desk which supplies its own power or by just bridging between the -16v pin (7) and any of the channel inputs (1-6) on the DIN. Inputs go via a 39k resistor so you won't do any damage by connecting directly but it would be better to use a limiting resistor just in case you accidentally bridge 7 and 8.


The test switch on some models does only operate channel 1.




Thank you Dave!


That would answer a few questions and explain why the LX24 has a power input... Time to dig out the Zip6...

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