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Breaks for children


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Hi All,


I'm just trying to do a bit of digging to corroborate some things I was told by a chaperone last year, in preparation for scheduling some youth theatre company shows this year- can anyone point me in the direction of a document published by (someone) that outlines maximum working hours and necessary breaks for under 16s/18s please?








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Your local authority should have all the information you need on their website. I say SHOULD but this hasn't always been the case.


Leicestershire has a number of documents on their application pages including the 2014 regulations so you could look there if your LA is lacking.

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Your local authority should have all the information you need on their website. I say SHOULD but this hasn't always been the case.


Leicestershire has a number of documents on their application pages including the 2014 regulations so you could look there if your LA is lacking.


Thanks Andrew, that's what I was afraid someone would say! The show is going to a number of different LA areas :(

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Summary of regs.


For 5-15 yrs is 9.5 hrs max per day in the building with 5hr max of performance/ rehearsal. A minimum of 1.5 hrs between shows on the same day. Breaks are 45 mins meal and one other 15 mins if present for between 4 and 8 hours. 8-9.5 hrs duration is one further 15 min break. Minimum of 12 hr break overnight. Any education, even if off site, must be considered.

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The show is going to a number of different LA areas :(

That's of no matter.

The regs are the NATIONAL regs - and should be applied equally across ALL local authorities. They're not permitted to make changes based on local ideas.



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Hi Ian


Our Venue has its own Childs Performing Policy which complies to the local County Council requirements, as we border some other counties we have indeed noticed other councils not up to date with present Government guide lines.


If you give me your email I can send you our County Council Policy Regulations




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Keep in mind that they are NOT National if you look at the entire United Kingdom. Wales, Scotland and England are now harmonised, but got there separately, but Northern Ireland have not changed from the old system - which is causing some confusion as the Act used to control this in NI, is there own - not the English one. Tony's correct, if you use the Great Britain and Northern Ireland version of 'nation'. At Christmas I got presented with the new kids pack and luckily knew that for me, it was not right!


Quite a few LA's still have information on their web sites that have not been updated.

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Where does responsibility actually lie? With the incoming company or with the venue? I ask as we get quite a few stage schools and similar coming through one of my venues; the most recent one was far more on the ball than most with offering up paperwork detailing their various licences, chaperone details etc. At the other end of the spectrum, some are considerably less fastidious.
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Where does responsibility actually lie? With the incoming company or with the venue?

The PRIMARY responsibility and the definite ownership of the licensing etc lies firmly with the organisation producing the show/event etc. Obviously if the venue is also the producer, then that means they take on that role.


However, I've always viewed it that the venue has a side responsibility to ensure that there's a generic policy in place for the space, and that those groups using the facilities are aware of and working within the guidelines.

I personally have a regular contact with WCC CPS team and make sure they're in the loop for ALL shows involving kids coming through our doors.





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The show is going to a number of different LA areas :(

That's of no matter.

The regs are the NATIONAL regs - and should be applied equally across ALL local authorities. They're not permitted to make changes based on local ideas.




SO if the regulations are national, can anyone pinpoint a .gov.uk document that states them?

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In Wales it is the Children (Performances and Activities) (Wales)Regulations 2015.


In England it is covered in Department for Education guidance.


In Scotland the link is here.


The enforcing authorities are still apparently local authorities and Northern Ireland does still do it all through the LAs. Not expert at this hence the links which will probably suffice.

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It gets worse when schools are involved because real schools can extend their premises to cover a theatre, meaning no license is required. A dance school cannot, but some dance schools are now offering real qualifications but I've no idea if this allows them to operate anywhere else?


The local authority does have a system, they have to, and they are happy to advise I have found, and quite aware of how the system works. Having different legal systems in all the areas does make it difficult. When somebody books our venue for dance type shows which happens a lot, we take the attitude it is their responsibility. Frankly, we find it impossible to do for them, and as they simply hire the venue, we rarely even know who anyone is. Some are very good with sign in sheets, no parents and friends allowed in, while others don't have a clue. I'm simply aware of physical risks such as fire and theatre style safety. I cannot contemplate the child safety style checking, because that needs proper planning. I also don't want to get into checking if the chaperones really are chaperones with a license, or just a mum, who is really looking after their child, and not the others.

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Frankly, we find it impossible to do for them, and as they simply hire the venue, we rarely even know who anyone is. Some are very good with sign in sheets, no parents and friends allowed in, while others don't have a clue.
Yep - I hear ya, brother! We have around FIFTY dance schools who either regularly or occasionally use my venue (thankfully NOT all of them every year) and the level of understanding is extremely wide.

I'm simply aware of physical risks such as fire and theatre style safety.

Indeed - essentially we look after anything venue related, and as most of them use our (volunteer) techs, they're all appraised of what is expected of them in relation to the space and also to keep an eye open for anything untoward for reporting up the chain.
I cannot contemplate the child safety style checking, because that needs proper planning. I also don't want to get into checking if the chaperones really are chaperones with a license, or just a mum, who is really looking after their child, and not the others.
THAT is what the inspections are for. I do understand that not all authorities are as stringent with their inspections of child-using shows - WCC are VERY regular, and if I've ever had any potential problems we've seen, they will almost always attend again if I request it.




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For at least the last 5 years, every show with children* has been visited at some point during the run by the county council. Usually turning up at the most inopportune time for the organiser.


However, this does not prevent the licensed chaperones from blocking fire exits with chairs or not stopping kids from hanging costume on mirror lights...


*with the exception of a show with only one child under licence (the rest of the cast only did 1 show per year)

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