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For films that should have a long future they shoot on film because film has a predictable decay with age. Electronic image is fine now but no-one knows whether the digital format will be playable in 10 - 40 years time, probably half of digital formats so far are no longer supported and will become ballast when the last player stops working.


Is there a chance that a go pro will send vid back to a director by wifi that the camera will not? Is there a chance that the go pro is robust but low featured backup against some of JKyle's over assertive cast members smashing cameras, (pick up the bits of housing and play the gopro)?

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Unfortunately people seem to be trying to recreate the some of the bad aspects of film by shooting at 24p introducing horrible motion judder for 'flim effect'. DCI do specify 48fps at 2K but they don't do more than 24fps at 4k at the moment. There are proposed extensions to get to 4K at 60FPS.

Lord of the rings was at 60FPS, and a lot of people hated it. Just like watching television.


I read that Tarantino really wants people to be able to see his films projected as film, not digitally.

Tarantino, and Nolan, and a handful of others are big fans of the all film experience, to the point where The hateful eight was shown on 70mm at about 100 locations across the USA, as well as a handful outside of the USA. Equipping 100 cinemas for 70mm in the age of digital was an enormous effort, undertaken by Boston Sound and Light. Finding skilled people able to keep a 70mm print in pristine condition through the run was also something of a challenge.



Skilled film projectionists will probably soon be a dying breed.



Having been a projectionist during my student days film handling is a pain in the bum, transparency gets scratched, stuff like hairs get stuck in the gate of the projector, stuff has to be repeatedly spliced and the alignment and focus of the projectors is never perfect.

There's no other way of putting this, so I wont bother trying: You were a shit projectionist. That said, I'm a shit projectionist too. But being a good film handler is a skill, and if one is taught well, and practices one's craft, one can handle film without destroying it in the process. Skilled projectionists routinely show a movie hundreds or thousands of time with no print damage. I never got there. But plenty of people have.

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You're talking from a projectionists point of view.

Film stock has a look that can't yet be replicated by all the arri/ red digital alternTives although grading can have a look of it's own.My girlfriend is a film maker (analogue) and a mate was senior two major film processing labs for the industry

I was amazed at how quickly the film to digital to film was replaced by first film to digital then all digital

It's a bit off topic

I gagree that the GoPro is either logging or a wide cutaway

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I've had BBC news in filming segments of shows and they often have a go pro attached to their camera - they do it purely for the cut-away use as it means they can easily make an otherwise boring shot "interesting"
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