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Stream audio over wifi


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no professional application for this yet, bu would like to have the option.


is it possible to stream audio between two macs on a wifi network. I guess I could use ichat av, but is there a better way of doing this (they are both g4s)

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Can't answer your question - I'm no mac expert. But don't let the wifi connection confuse things - it's just another network. If it works over a wire, in general it'll be fine over wifi.




(and yes, I know wifi has less bandwidth, and you get contention, and all the rest. but as long as you're not bandwidth-limited, it should be fine....)

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Given the reliability I find streaming audio off the Girlfriends laptop using iTunes, I don't reckon you'll have a problem if the signal is ok. You can always bung an Airport express in as well, as a relay station/signal booster. Not sure on the program, though.


I am assuming you're running 10.3.x (.9 came out last night!) and Airport Extreme (the 54mbps flavour). I'll ask soem of my sources and see if there's a better solution than iChat AV.

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I am aware of the ways of bradcasting itunes, but was hoping for something that could stream audio live


in answer to your question bryson.

im running 10.4 on one and 10.3 on another (updating soon). the laptop is using inbuilt airport to pickup network and emac is on the wifi network.


EDIT: 10.2 and 10.3 then , oops!

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The best way that I can think of doing it at the moment is by using something like shoutcast!


You could have the encoder at one and brodcasting on an internal network and just set up itunes on the other end to recieve the live stream.

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Easy way to tell is to go to the Blue Apple in the top left corner, and select "about this mac". That'll tell you all you need to know.


Aside from iChatAV using a Rendevous (Bonjour) connection, you could try Skype, but I suspect the latancy will outweigh the gain in sound quality.

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