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Animals on stage...


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Had a Google around and not much specific as yet (though still trying) but need to get the full skinny on restrictions/licensing etc for animals on stage.


We have a local school coming in to do Annie in a couple of months, and they've asked about using a real dog in the performances. I've sent them off to themselves look at licensing, building a full and proper RA etc, but from the venue's point of view I think we need to have a stock answer, if not a firm policy in place - we did allow 3 snakes (including an 8 ft boa constrictor last November) for Whistle down the Wind), but they were handled, managed and licensed by a wildlife trust, and were 'experienced' beasts who'd done a lot of TV stuff as well.


Any thoughts?




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I'd say you'll need (among other things):


a full time handler, not a cast member, who can be with the dog at all times.


A seperate room for the dog and handler.


A policy about pooh pick up.


A poicy around "The dog doesn't want to go on".



I've had cast members say "my dog will do it". Generally that doesn't work. Just because it will sit and stay doesn't mean it will perform the same every show and want to go on every show and not mind being on it's own when it's owner is on stage.


Here's a link http://www.equity.or...-entertainment/ to the Equity HSE guide to working with animals.


Good luck.

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I'm sure I've told this story before but when I worked in telly we suddenly found ourselves the focus of the local council and the HSE after our studio manager phoned up Westminster Council to ask what the rules were around having a tiger in one of the studios.
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I'd say you'll need (among other things):


a full time handler, not a cast member, who can be with the dog at all times.


A seperate room for the dog and handler.


A policy about pooh pick up.


A poicy around "The dog doesn't want to go on".

Yep - got all those thoughts in my head already :)

Here's a link http://www.equity.or...-entertainment/ to the Equity HSE guide to working with animals.

Didn't try equity so thanks for that link.








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...and also remember most local authorities banned the use of animals in performance (an over-reaction to circus) and did it through a mixture of park bilaws and extra clauses slipped in to premises licenses so check the specific wording of your venue's license as many authorities will have a section that specifically requires you to obtain express permission/amendment to use any kind of animals as a vague clause like that was easier to draft in than a specific list of prohibited animals.
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