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DL1608 v3, first gig - oh dear!


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I've been playing with MF v3 on the #2 iPad for a few weeks and have been generally impressed with the layout and options. Last night's band wanted a rough recording to inform a depping guitarist for the NYE gig, a task requiring both iPads - one docked, so I decided to bite the bullet and U/D the firmware. All went well, 15mins to complete the task including reboot for good luck.

The first sign of trouble was when I was labelling up the view filters, front snake, back snake, etc. It took an age for text and the return key to register. What sould have been a two minute job but after five minutes of stabbing one digit per 10secs like a geriatric with an iPhone I decided to finish it in the break.

Presets were preserved from v2 so I was saved the hassle of starting all from scratch, which is just as well. While on demo mode I'd noticed the tendency for the channel EQ to jump in steps rather than glide smoothly as in v2. There seemed, however to be a much greater lag in response while hooked up to the desk. It's possible that this phenomenon is simply a result of the added pressure of time rather than an actual difference in performance but, if so, it really brought home how little time there is to get something right first time. Any numpty with a few gigs experience will soon revert to instinctive, automatic response rather than carefully considered decision making, it's how we get things done. This bouncing around the screen totally undermined any chance of developing quick-response techniques as lag-time and inaccurate movement needed to be factored into every touch.

With all channels roughly useable and with all soundcheck time having leaked away the band started into the first set. Switching between views (vox/melody vs kit/gtr/bass) involved a similar level of lag which made for a lacklustre first number. I decided to multiselect both views and sweep across to access the various channels. Now, not only did I have to contend with the regular lag, having swept across the view I find a whole new level of hesitation (about x2) before the app will switch from 'change the view' mode to 'do something useful' mode. When setting the channel delay the fader held off so long when it finally kicked in I found I'd banished the singer to the deepest recesses of hell, which did not go down well. By the time I'd managed to bring him back to the surface he and anyone who had cottoned on to why I was playing with the iPad were giving me some very quizzical, if not incredulous looks.

It seems not everyone is having this level of trouble otherwise I would expect to see massed pitchforks in the streets. Does anyone know something I don't? I've uninstalled and reinstalled, rebooted and cleared out all other demands on memory as well as I know how to.

For what it's worth I was one of the lucky few to experience the 'pink noise' blowout associated with the DL1608. I have no idea if this has been solved as I will not be using the iPad playback facility until others more trusting or adventurous have reported back. Recording to a third party app (audioshare) is fine.

Graphic EQ operates seamlessly and reverb is still crap, so much so that my Lexicon Alex has come out of retirement and has been hooked up to aux6 and two TRS inputs I can little afford to lose.

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You don't say which Ipad, which version and also version of ios.


I have the DL1608 and I have no problem with it and its the Ipad mini I use with it mainly. Yes I have my ipad on ios 8.1.2 and the latest Mackie Master fader version 3.0.1 which was updated on 16 of December.there was a load of bug fixed in this version.

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You don't say which Ipad, which version and also version of ios.


I think this is probably critical - the new version of MF must be a lot more processor happy, given how much more it has to do - so I'd imagine if you're using an iPad 2 for example, it's possibly straining where a 3rd or 4th gen one wouldn't (or the air for that matter).


I haven't updated mine to v3 yet because the My Fader update is not ready, although my spare Ipad has the MF v3 software on it and seems fine, I don't know how this will translate to the desk yet though.

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Both iPads are 3rd gen, IOS 8.1.2, MF v3.0.1

Thanks for that helpful insight, TMH. the update was done two days before the gig and the decision to do so was forced on me to some extent by the need to record the gig, requiring the use of both iPads. having spent the last few weeks familiarising myself with the app, and having taken one of the iPads out of useful service in order to do so I felt I had taken reasonable steps to prepare. I don't see how spending time in a warehouse would have helped in any way.

@BW, the glitches I'm experiencing did show up while I was demoing v3, I just didn't appreciate the extent to which the usual pressure of time would make them more apparent. The one which was most obvious was the stuttering channel EQ response, If you're not observing that in demo then you may not see it when you do update.

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Was both IPads have the same problem or was it only the one that was wireless if it was the one that was wireless. I would tell you to get a Apple airport as it has the 5.8Ghz wireless which less crowed.


There is a lot of devices in 2.4Ghz band now. There is wireless DMX, video senders, wireless mics and bluetooth, this is just some that I can think off.


if the wireless IPad was having trouble then it could have an impact on the one docked. I also found sometime when recording the IPad had a very slight delay and that was recording with Mackie master fader. I have not tried it with any other app

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Cheers, DMX. Already using the Apple Airport. I didn't have time to experiment so don't know if the docked iPad was any glitchier than when it was in demo mode. Once it was set to record with Audioshare it was probably not a good time to be assessing it's performance with MF3.


Sam, I had assumed the firmware update would tie me to v3, is this not the case?

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Cheers, DMX. Already using the Apple Airport. I didn't have time to experiment so don't know if the docked iPad was any glitchier than when it was in demo mode. Once it was set to record with Audioshare it was probably not a good time to be assessing it's performance with MF3.


Sam, I had assumed the firmware update would tie me to v3, is this not the case?


No, the DL will load the firmware for the version of MF on the iPad. Getting the iPad back to MF2 I only possible if you have your version of the MF2.1.1.ipa file as they are DRMed to your individual iTunes account. Did you update on the iPads or via iTunes? If iTunes check your trash/recycle bin folder for "MasterFader 2.1.1.ipa" and, if it's there save it somewhere safe. If on the iPads (and you didn't sync them afterwords) the MF2.1.1.ipa should be in your iTunes library. Go to the apps page, right click on Master Fader and do a "show in finder", the file name will be MF2..... or MF3.... It's quite a complex procedure to revert and, while it worked for me, I can't give 100% assurance it will work for you. Give me a call/email/PM if you want to meet up for a brew/DL hacking session.

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Cheers, DMX. Already using the Apple Airport. I didn't have time to experiment so don't know if the docked iPad was any glitchier than when it was in demo mode. Once it was set to record with Audioshare it was probably not a good time to be assessing it's performance with MF3.


Sam, I had assumed the firmware update would tie me to v3, is this not the case?


No, the DL will load the firmware for the version of MF on the iPad. Getting the iPad back to MF2 I only possible if you have your version of the MF2.1.1.ipa file as they are DRMed to your individual iTunes account. Did you update on the iPads or via iTunes? If iTunes check your trash/recycle bin folder for "MasterFader 2.1.1.ipa" and, if it's there save it somewhere safe. If on the iPads (and you didn't sync them afterwords) the MF2.1.1.ipa should be in your iTunes library. Go to the apps page, right click on Master Fader and do a "show in finder", the file name will be MF2..... or MF3.... It's quite a complex procedure to revert and, while it worked for me, I can't give 100% assurance it will work for you. Give me a call/email/PM if you want to meet up for a brew/DL hacking session.

much appreciated, Herr Spoons.




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Was Audioshare recording in to mp3 or wave. If its saving as mp3 it could have something to do with the delay you where getting.


I do know that Master fader records in wav as not to waste processor power. The other thing is are using 30 pin dock or the new lightning dock or 30 pin to lightning.

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Was Audioshare recording in to mp3 or wave. If its saving as mp3 it could have something to do with the delay you where getting.


I do know that Master fader records in wav as not to waste processor power. The other thing is are using 30 pin dock or the new lightning dock or 30 pin to lightning.


Yup, A/S recording to stereo WAV (btw this is fast becoming a favourite app as I find new uses for it) and DL is of the 30p persuasion.

To clarify: the docked pad was in charge of recording only once the gig was under way, all mixing was done on the wireless pad.

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Now I am starting to scratch my head on this. I do know that the 30 pin dock connector is better to record from as it audio on dedicated pins for in and out of the IPad and dock at all times it also the same for the USB in this connector as the new lightning connector switches between the different options.


Didi you run master fader at all on the docked IPad and then switch to the other app for recording by pressing the home button twice fast, if you did not then it could of been that DL1608 was looking for it from the docked IPad as well as the one wireless.

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Ah, now there's a thing. If I remember correctly I had MF3 running on both pads, wireless and docked, then went to the home screen to open A/S on the docked pad while running the show on wireless. Do you suspect some manner of conflict of resources or low level hanging as one tries to locate the other? It felt (?) like something not operating within the pad rather than within the larger system although I'd struggle to explain why it felt that way.
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