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Name a Module

Ken Coker

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Dear All


Now is your chance to play a part in the education process. I've written a module with a working title :


Lighting Design for Film, Video and Multimedia Production


It does what it says on the can, but I need a snappier title...........something along the lines of :


Lighting Design for Sex, Drugs and Rock n' Roll and Film.......


No prizes, but the lucky winner will gain immortality.........well, at least until we re-validate.





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Guest lightnix
Lighting Design for Film, Video and Multimedia Production


It does what it says on the can...

Thanks for the opportunity :)


How about: Lighting Direction for Film, TV and Multimedia ?


Sorry to be boring and unimaginative, but isn't it better to have a course title which accurately describes the content and will therefore attract people who are actually interested it, rather than a sexed-up, whizz-bang one which may mislead people into thinking they are signing up for something else?

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Sorry to be boring and unimaginative, but isn't it better to have a course title which accurately describes the content and will therefore attract people who are actually interested it, rather than a sexed-up, whizz-bang one which may mislead people into thinking they are signing up for something else?



The course already has a title which accurately describes the content :-)


I think the requirement is to name the module itself... i.e. 1/8th of a single year of study.


Personally, I quite liked Lighting for sex'n'drugs'n'rock'n'roll....... ;-)



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I also quite like "Lighting for sex'n'drugs'n'rock'n'roll"!

Is this for the SLLET course? When will it be introduced?

I've applied to start that course in September/October, its going down as my first choice when the rest of the uni's decide they'd like to reply! grr!

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Lighting Design for Film, Video and Multimedia Production


It does what it says on the can...

Thanks for the opportunity :)


How about: Lighting Direction for Film, TV and Multimedia ?


Sorry to be boring and unimaginative, but isn't it better to have a course title which accurately describes the content and will therefore attract people who are actually interested it, rather than a sexed-up, whizz-bang one which may mislead people into thinking they are signing up for something else?


Couldn't agree more, but just see how many courses are taking the words "Science" or "Engineering" from their titles. It would appear we are now in a market place.....or something........quite why this means that all module content has to fit into the 256 characters of an SMS message is beyond me too............




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Guest lightnix

Know what you mean, it's just not enough to simply and honestly tell people what you do these days, you have to market yourself to them, with some kind of ritzy-glitzy image. Nobody "sells cardboard boxes" any more, they "market packaging solutions" :) That Tony B. Liar has a lot to answer for :huh:


Sorry to drift ;) I think I can feel a couple of suitably New Labour-ite titles beginning to congeal into ideas. I'll let you know if anything comes of it.

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Dear All


Now is your chance to play a part in the education process. I've written a module with a working title :


Lighting Design for Film, Video and Multimedia Production


It does what it says on the can, but I need a snappier title



Not snappier, but more modern:


Illumination Management for Celluloid, Digital Media and Electro-Entertainment Artwork.


What do you think? Buzzy?!! :)

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Dear Nick


Sadly the competition is now closed. However, I will keep your submission on file. Thank you for your interest and I wish you every success in the future..................as a certain University wrote to me very recently (no names, no pack drill, but the city centre has more canals than Venice.)


Coming soon: Module descriptors required for our new degree in Music Technology, Forensic Studies and Alternative Therapies (BA/BSc MTFSAT).........oh yes, we know how to press all the right buttons with those crazy kids!!!





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Coming soon: Module descriptors required for our new degree in Music Technology, Forensic Studies and Alternative Therapies (BA/BSc MTFSAT).........oh yes, we know how to press all the right buttons with those crazy kids!!!


Music Tech: Knob Twiderling (sp?) for the masses

Alternative Therapies: Students - how much weed do you need?

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