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How did you find the Blue Room ?

Guest lightnix

How did you find the Blue Room  

109 members have voted

  1. 1. How did you find the Blue Room

    • Deliberate web search for a backstage forum
    • Accidentally while surfing for something else on the web
    • Link from another site / forum
    • Word of mouth
    • Magazine / press article
    • Other

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Guest lightnix

Following on from the "merger thread" and a comment made by Bryson about improving search engine rankings, I was just wondering how people found out about the Blue Room.


If you were searching for a forum like this and can remember what terms you used, then please put them up; that will be a great help.

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I have a sneaky feeling I actually linked in from the wavicle site as it happens, but cannot really remember.


I have looked at other forums, but remain here as the debate is often balanced, and if not so people are told off, the debate is often very much more informed, in as much as people think a lot before replying and often consult regulations/best practice documentation before replying (why else are my BS7671 documents by my computer now?).

And, not only does it seem a home of good informed debate, but the use of bad language skills is frowned upon, including spelling, grammar, text speak, and capitalisation, or the lack of it. It has forced me to think about my typing to avoid putting a sloppy post on here...


More than anything, any questions you have are answered well, and, better still, by people who are most of the time well informed and are giving you a good and proper answer.

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Can I just ask, who voted 'other', and why? As far as I can see all the posts here fit into one of the catagories. Is there some wierd way of getting to the blue room we don't know about?


(A just interested) Tom

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Guest lightnix
Can I just ask, who voted 'other', and why? ...


Thanks, Tom. A little more enlightenment on all votes would be welcome where possible, so that the forums can make themselves better known to the business and all those who work in it.


Thanks :(

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Actually, I couldn't remember how I found it, but having had a look back through all the posts I've made (using the link in my profile), I think I was looking for more information on a PC>DMX interface, and whatever I searched for found the blue-room.
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Can I just ask, who voted 'other', and why? As far as I can see all the posts here fit into one of the catagories. Is there some wierd way of getting to the blue room we don't know aobut?


(A just interested) Tom


Me, as my entry above explains! It wasn't a link from another forum, but a defection. :(

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