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what is meant by methodology report


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I agree. I think someone is using big words they don't really understand. I don't consider Method and Methodology to be synonyms and I also can't really see how he latter word relates to a sound rig unless you consider the way that a series of methods interrelate. Not completely unthinkable as a concept but even so...


Give them a method statement.

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pretty routine in other fields to ask contractors and management staff for both risk assessment and method statement detailing a safe working method to avoid or minimise the risks identified.

strictly speaking one should do a risk assessment and method statement for every project or type of work you encounter and those assessments should be specific to the venue, staff, audience and equipment used.

there is nothing to say that you have to do this on paper but it's pretty difficult to demonstrate to a third party that you have assessed the risk and are working to a safe method without documenting it.

and often if you have employees, the paperwork serves as a guide to them on how you expect to them to carry out the work - and documentary evidence that you correctly briefed your employees.


If the council ask for a method statement (and risk assessment), whether as a client or interested party - it is so that they can demonstrate that the contractor is responsible, has considered the risks and managed them.

If the contract is sufficient and you don't feel competent to assess the risks and produce a method statement then you could hire a local health and safety consultant for the purpose. I do a fair amount of this paperwork with my day job but occasionally pull in a specialist for clients to hire or to assist me.

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