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Eurovision Live Screening


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Hi All


The venue that I work is looking to a live streaming of the Eurovision this year but I am wondering about the legalities and rights that may need to be sorted.


We have a commercial TV license for receiving TV signals, so that isn't a problem. However, I am concerned about whether we can charge entry to watch the TV or would it have to be free entry and we make our money the bar and catering?


Any answers or a point in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.





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What surprises me is the possibility that the people of Cardiff would even consider paying to see the Eurovision song contest. Most people I know would pay to avoid it. Must be a cultural difference ...
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AFAIK you can charge entry to any pub/club. They are private premises.

You're not charging to watch TV, you're charging for atmosphere.



You say "stream" but I take it you mean normal TV reception?


Stuff like sky has certain contractual rules and the Premier League are getting nasty again with pubs using overseas boxes/streams. They are using the copyright issue of their logo being on screen

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It all depends what your license's say - your TV license may or may not have restrictions on it as to how you can "use" TV, Your physical service provider (ie Virgin / sky / BBC iplayer) may have restrictions about what use you can make of their feed, your premises license may have restrictions about what sort of events and promotions your building can host; if you don't have the relevant premises license clause for "cinema exhibition" type use then selling tickets for people to come and watch the event will be in breach of that.


Unfortunately no-one on an internet forum can answer the question as you have asked it because there's at least 3 relevant licenses/permissions involved, each of which has multiple variables as to the permissions they grant you. The first thing you need to do is go through the paperwork and work out what you currently have permission to do (or are expressly prohibited from doing) and then with that information work out whether you can stage the event within your existing permissions or whether additional permits are practical to obtain.

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