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world's best profile


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I'll throw an unusual one into the mix - as Teatro got a bad rap, I've got some big Spotlight Milan Spotlight Combi 25 H ZS profiles - 2/2.5K zooms. Damn big heavy things, but a rather nice beam, even field and nice lock off brakes. Fairly smooth lens slides after not having any maintenance for 6 years. Big, and bright. I'd buy some more, but they're a bit expensive for the use they'd get.
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I likes selecon pacifics,no idea why,they just sort of work for me.Also the trusty pat 264,ok the light output compared to today's 1k fixtures is a bit feeble,and the lens fixings are a bit iffy,but the twin bladed shutter system was a stroke of genius,oi selecon are you listening.
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Interesting that I was finding it so much harder to think of the best profile as compared to the worst. There were so many contenders there! Anyway,got me to thinking (daydreaming when I should have probably been concentrating hence another nasty burn). Imagine the perfect profile with the best features from different ones. What would it comprise of? I am still thinking....
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I really like the ADB Warp.


I know the ring based shutter adjustment is a bit strange the first time you use one but it only takes a few minutes to figure out it out. I just love the ability to adjust all the shutters easily, even if the unit isn't in the most accessible location such as under a catwalk. They're bright, have great optics and are built like tanks.

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To look at it from a slightly different angle - for me as a designer, it's all about the Source 4. Why? They may not be the absolute best in any category, but they're so standard that I can be confident in being able to spec any sort of accessory I feel is necessary and not have difficulty sourcing them for hire - whether that be donuts, half hats, colour extenders, beam benders, etc. They also all take the same size of gobo - which I'd taken for granted until I was introduced to the Pacific.


I'm currently dealing with a rig of Pacifics and in need of a load of half hats, and it seems the only viable solution short of buying them outright is getting creative with some black wrap...

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I think ETC have got a market lead with units and somehow people have joined in and are making things to fit (see gams gobo string and seachangers). +1 with everything being similar and some how you can make a nice soft even spread, where as other units dont do quite as well.


Was it the t56, t64 ? that had the soft shutters? I used them a couple of times, horrible light output but nice to have soft focus one side and hard the other.

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Strand Cantatas, nice to use, focus and lock off nicely and if looked after will outlast most lighting techs

We've got a few, and they're okay at best. They've done the usual Strand trick of destroying the chrome plating on the reflector, so they aren't as bright as they could be. Chrome plating Aluminium and then sticking it next to a heat source? Genius idea!

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