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Behringer X32 inputs issue.


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Going to be using an X32 with 2 x s16 (obviously on stage).


The issue I have is I need to use a Mac which will be placed near me at sound position. Plugging it into the desk from where I am isn't a problem using a couple of DI boxes and bunging them straight into channels. This causes a bit of a problem though as I don't have 8 spare channels to devote to 2 (non S16 channels). I really only have to plug 2 channels in from where I'm sitting. All other inputs come from the stage.


I cannot see a way anywhere on the board to allow the following:


Channels 1 - 30 from S16

Channels 31 & 32 direct input.


Do I have to resort to using a pair of AUX ins to get around this?





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Recently I used my iMac with Qlab through the X32. I connected to the Firewire card and then changed the routing on the X32 to make the aux inputs relate to card inputs 1&2. On the mac, change the audio outputs to XUF through you system settings. Worked a charm. I'm sure you can edit channels 31 & 32 to take their input from auxs 1&2 but if not I'd recommend setting up a DCA so that you don't have to switch pages.


Hope this makes sense.


<EDIT> a USB cable would do the trick here too, if Firewire isn't available.

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Forgive me if I'm missing something obvious (I don't have an X32) but the marketing blurb says the X32 can handle 48 input channels from (presumably) 3 x S16 stage boxes so isn't it possible to assign the 2 x S16s you have to, say inputs 17-48 leaving 1-16 local to the desk?
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Recently I used my iMac with Qlab through the X32. I connected to the Firewire card and then changed the routing on the X32 to make the aux inputs relate to card inputs 1&2. On the mac, change the audio outputs to XUF through you system settings. Worked a charm. I'm sure you can edit channels 31 & 32 to take their input from auxs 1&2 but if not I'd recommend setting up a DCA so that you don't have to switch pages.


Hope this makes sense.


<EDIT> a USB cable would do the trick here too, if Firewire isn't available.


You are now my new hero!

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someone correct me if I'm wrong - because I haven't tried this on a desk and only have the software to hand but isn't the procedure simply:

1. go to routing. select all 32 inputs from aes ports (which bring in the signal from each S16)

2. in routing set aux in remap to either aux ins OR inputs 1-2

3. select the specific channel you want to receive the directly connected signal at. then select home

to override a specific channel

4. on the config tab of the home button/page select the source - either aux 1 or in1 depending on how you remapped in step 2 above.


or am I missing the point? (not unusual for me)


re what the desk can handle - my understanding is that it can take 32 channels + 8 aux in channels at any one time from upto 48 aes inputs - i.e. you can't patch all the inputs to a fader at the same time but you can swap patches to draw from up to 48 aes (s16) sources - or did I miss something again?

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someone correct me if I'm wrong - because I haven't tried this on a desk and only have the software to hand but isn't the procedure simply:

1. go to routing. select all 32 inputs from aes ports (which bring in the signal from each S16)

2. in routing set aux in remap to either aux ins OR inputs 1-2

3. select the specific channel you want to receive the directly connected signal at. then select home

to override a specific channel

4. on the config tab of the home button/page select the source - either aux 1 or in1 depending on how you remapped in step 2 above.


or am I missing the point? (not unusual for me)


re what the desk can handle - my understanding is that it can take 32 channels + 8 aux in channels at any one time from upto 48 aes inputs - i.e. you can't patch all the inputs to a fader at the same time but you can swap patches to draw from up to 48 aes (s16) sources - or did I miss something again?

Yep. You have it right.


The unit can mix 38 inputs (40 if you include the L/R internal USB player). 32 XLR inputs and 6 Aux inputs.


You can hook up S16's and switch which inputs are routed to the mixer. I understand that this may be a clever way to mix multiple stages as an example. You are never mixing both at the same time though.


With regard to routing. Yes, the routing page only lets you assign banks of 8; however, if you select a channel, then go to "HOME/CONFIG", there is a "Source" selection per channel. I think you should be able to route any signal to any source like this.



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You are indeed correct. You can do some individual routing this way.


As has been mentioned you CAN do a block of 4 locals. This is quite handy when you want 32 lines from your S16's on stage but need some playback at FOH. Pretty much every gig right?


There's an aux part in the main routing page. You can either use the aux ins or if needs be you can route this to 1-4 local ins on the back. This gives the advantage of being able to throw +48v up to a DI if your laptop looks pretty but sounds less so when plugged into the mains. Or if you simply can't have anything less than a KSM9 for your talk to stage mic despite the lack of switch. I wonder if Shure would make me a KSM9S, I might ask them. (Actually you may be able to supply the talk back socket with +48v I haven't tried).



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  • 10 months later...

Hi, I am new here. I have read through the forum, however I still do not fully get the whole picture.


I currently wanted to record a concert which utilize 32 channels + 5 Aux in. I have never done recording with this unit. I am just employed soundman and I am new to X32. I need to record all the multitracks including the 5 Aux In into Logic Pro.


My question is: Will the input source of Logic Pro, appear X32 Aux In channel when it is connected? I don't have the board with me yet. Can someone advise how I can do that to record all the channels including the Aux in at one time?


Thanks a lot!

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You can record 32 channels via the USB, if you also want to record the extra 5 you'll need a different way of getting them into the computer. If your computer/DAW/Interface can do it you could assign the aux's to analogue outputs and send the 5 to the interface the old fashioned way, alternatively you could submix some channels into stems to reduce the number of channels you need to record. I'm not sure if this is possible inside the X32 or if you'd need a second sub mixer to do the job. The X32 can process up 38 inputs at one time (as you know using 37 in your live show) plus it's onboard USB pair, but the X-USB interface can only do 32 I/O.


Just had a look, you can route inputs and/or outputs to the 32 card outputs sou, in the simplest example, route inputs 9-32 to card outputs 9-32 and then route busses 1-8 to card outputs 1-8. You can then submix mic inputs 1-8 and aux inputs 1-6 in any combination to busses 1-8 (obviously you can use any combination of inputs going direct and busses for sub mixing the remaining inputs within the routing limitation of blocks of 8).



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Is it in routing section?



You can record 32 channels via the USB, if you also want to record the extra 5 you'll need a different way of getting them into the computer. If your computer/DAW/Interface can do it you could assign the aux's to analogue outputs and send the 5 to the interface the old fashioned way, alternatively you could submix some channels into stems to reduce the number of channels you need to record. I'm not sure if this is possible inside the X32 or if you'd need a second sub mixer to do the job. The X32 can process up 38 inputs at one time (as you know using 37 in your live show) plus it's onboard USB pair, but the X-USB interface can only do 32 I/O.


Just had a look, you can route inputs and/or outputs to the 32 card outputs sou, in the simplest example, route inputs 9-32 to card outputs 9-32 and then route busses 1-8 to card outputs 1-8. You can then submix mic inputs 1-8 and aux inputs 1-6 in any combination to busses 1-8 (obviously you can use any combination of inputs going direct and busses for sub mixing the remaining inputs within the routing limitation of blocks of 8).






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May I know how can I assign the Aux to Analog output? I am also new to the board.



Is it in routing section?



You can record 32 channels via the USB, if you also want to record the extra 5 you'll need a different way of getting them into the computer. If your computer/DAW/Interface can do it you could assign the aux's to analogue outputs and send the 5 to the interface the old fashioned way, alternatively you could submix some channels into stems to reduce the number of channels you need to record. I'm not sure if this is possible inside the X32 or if you'd need a second sub mixer to do the job. The X32 can process up 38 inputs at one time (as you know using 37 in your live show) plus it's onboard USB pair, but the X-USB interface can only do 32 I/O.


Just had a look, you can route inputs and/or outputs to the 32 card outputs sou, in the simplest example, route inputs 9-32 to card outputs 9-32 and then route busses 1-8 to card outputs 1-8. You can then submix mic inputs 1-8 and aux inputs 1-6 in any combination to busses 1-8 (obviously you can use any combination of inputs going direct and busses for sub mixing the remaining inputs within the routing limitation of blocks of 8).









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