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Church event


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Hi guys





Just wondering if anyone can give me an idea of what they would do for a concert for 300+ people. More specifically how powerful a speaker rig would you use for a new modern building with good acoustics to do this 300+ people event


Any ideas would be greatly appreciated




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What do you want to amplify? Church event means different things to different people. What do you mean by "good acoustics"? Some of the really old churches have good acoustics for spoken word and choral music but can be hard to fill with amplified sound.
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What do you want to amplify? Church event means different things to different people. What do you mean by "good acoustics"? Some of the really old churches have good acoustics for spoken word and choral music but can be hard to fill with amplified sound.


So I have a 7 piece band to amplify with two electric guitars, bass, drums, keys, lead vocal and 3 backing vocals.


Good Acoustics in this place is good with amplified sound


This church event is a concert so needs to be loud obviously with good quality :).






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More specifically how powerful a speaker rig would you use for a new modern building with good acoustics


That particular consideration is fairly low down the checklist.


In addition to the points already raised by others, what shape and size space are we talking about?


You want to achieve as even coverage as possible across the whole audience, as opposed to deafening those in the front row, whilst those at the back struggle to hear.


Church buildings can be amongst the most challenging spaces in which to achieve good sound. Some of the modern, auditorium style churches do indeed have good acoustics, although they're not always simple to position and rig kit where you ideally would like to, and there's aesthetics to think about. Cabling can be fun in churches, too.


More often than not, a distributed system is the way to go.

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What kind of music are this band playing? Soft indie has somewhat different PA requirements to thrash metal...


Soft indie is more the style of music involve


And I have contact of pretty much any kit I need as I work for one of the suppliers and have other suppliers I know of I just wanted bit of general concensus on what people themselves would do






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So you want other people to tell you how they would spec a show for an un-known style of performance in an unknown venue of unknown layout playing an unknown style of music using unknown existing equipment for an unknown style of presentation in an unknown part of the country?
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We might seem a bit harsh - but people have asked for the info and the response just doesn't help - sorry. To give accurate advice, we really need hard facts. So things to consider are what are the musicians playing? How many electric guitars, live or electronic drums? How about monitoring requirements - and then the room. How deep, how wide? What kind of level do your need in the room? How much have you got to spend is also pretty vital. If we give you a system that might cost more to hire for one day than you intended spending to buy it, we're wasting our time.


In fact - you've not even mentioned budget so we have no idea of the kind of thing you have in mind, or if it's a one-off (so hire) or regular commitment, so buying is best.


Let us have so info and we can help.

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Sorry guys I shall be more specific


right so it is Soft Indie music style.


the 300 people will be in a room of 50m x35m so a more rectangle shape the roof is in a pyramid shape and from the lowest to highest point is 15m.


the Band requirements


2 x electric guitars - there backline is a Fenders blues man 4x 10 and 2 x orange 2x12 with a mesa boogie head.


keys - which is a roland keyboard


live drums - a complete 4 piece kit including all cymbals and hardware.


Bass- ash down 4 x 10


then 3 backing vocals and one lead vocal


All need monitoring and the band are postioned on a 10m by 5m stage.


Have got a budget for hire of 100-200 pounds for sound kit mainly just monitors and speakers as I have all microphones and cables needed . also the desk using is a Behringer eurodesk SX2442fx


Mics used will be shure sm58's and sm57's and then a proel drum mic set


A decibel reading of about 100-110 is what I am aiming for.


the area of the country is Suffolk and in the Stoke part of Ipswich


hope that gives enough information and thankyou all advice appreciated




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the 300 people will be in a room of 50m x35m so a more rectangle shape the roof is in a pyramid shape and from the lowest to highest point is 15m....

You've not indicated where the stage will be positioned, however worst case scenario is If the stage is positioned abutting one of the short aspect walls, as positioning a PA system in this area will give you a difference of ~30dB from front to back, so, as I thought would be the case,


a distributed system is the way to go.

If however the stage will be positioned along the 50m aspect, this variance won't be so acute, however may present you with different challenges and you'll require mid/top boxes with a wider horizontal pattern and/or more boxes.


A decibel reading of about 100-110 is what I am aiming for.

- whereabouts?

- are you aware that 110dB is twice as loud as 100dB?


Have got a budget for hire of 100-200 pounds for sound kit mainly just monitors and speakers as I have all microphones and cables needed . also the desk using is a Behringer eurodesk SX2442fx

I'm slightly confused. Earlier in the topic, you indicated;


And I have contact of pretty much any kit I need as I work for one of the suppliers


Having looked at the website of the business your profile states you work for, in particular their "hire" page, it appears they have everything you need. It's fair to say your £200 should go alot further hiring from a company you work for, than hiring elsewhere.


As an aside to the fun technical stuff, the context of your posting suggests you are being engaged as an individual to provide sound equipment and engineering services at this event. As a minor, do you have the most important piece of equipment? (liability insurance cover).

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the 300 people will be in a room of 50m x35m so a more rectangle shape the roof is in a pyramid shape and from the lowest to highest point is 15m....

You've not indicated where the stage will be positioned, however worst case scenario is If the stage is positioned abutting one of the short aspect walls, as positioning a PA system in this area will give you a difference of ~30dB from front to back, so, as I thought would be the case,


a distributed system is the way to go.

If however the stage will be positioned along the 50m aspect, this variance won't be so acute, however may present you with different challenges and you'll require mid/top boxes with a wider horizontal pattern and/or more boxes.


A decibel reading of about 100-110 is what I am aiming for.

- whereabouts?

- are you aware that 110dB is twice as loud as 100dB?


Have got a budget for hire of 100-200 pounds for sound kit mainly just monitors and speakers as I have all microphones and cables needed . also the desk using is a Behringer eurodesk SX2442fx

I'm slightly confused. Earlier in the topic, you indicated;


And I have contact of pretty much any kit I need as I work for one of the suppliers


Having looked at the website of the business your profile states you work for, in particular their "hire" page, it appears they have everything you need. It's fair to say your £200 should go alot further hiring from a company you work for, than hiring elsewhere.


As an aside to the fun technical stuff, the context of your posting suggests you are being engaged as an individual to provide sound equipment and engineering services at this event. As a minor, do you have the most important piece of equipment? (liability insurance cover).


The stage is on the 50m wall.


the budget has been given to me by the venue however I obviously as stated can get the equipment I need but for the purposes of people knowing the budget. the 'official' budget is 100- 200 but can get what I need.





the decibel reading of 100-110 is for the whole room if possible and no I wasn't aware so thankyou for telling me that.





thankyou for your help much appreciated





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You might just get your 100-110dB over the whole room, assuming the audience nearest the stage are 2metres back from the speakers and the speakers at the front of the stage (normal procedure) if they are hearing 110dB, those at the back will be hearing around 100dB. You will probably need infill/sidefill boxes (depending on where the audience are located in the space) as well as main FOH but bear in mind these may create issues with reflections off the side walls so run them 6dB or more lower than the main FOH.


If the room has no acoustic treatment (curtains/drapes/wall hangings etc) on the side and especially the back walls you'll need to direct the sound into the audience (never a bad thing anyway) rather than straight over their heads by putting the tops high and angled down (most have a facility to do this built into the pole sockets).


In theory any of the mainstream top and sub systems (Yamaha DXR, QSC K series, JBL PXR etc) should provide enough level to do what you want though to get the side to side coverage you need I'd guess at one sub and two or three top boxes each side.


Re liability insurance, if you can to arrange supervision by a responsible person in the church (who will take final responsibility for safe rigging of the gear etc) the church's liability insurance should cover you, but definitely check before throwing up loads of speaker in places where they can fall on people http://www.blue-room.org.uk/public/style_emoticons/default/blink.gif

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You might just get your 100-110dB over the whole room, assuming the audience nearest the stage are 2metres back from the speakers and the speakers at the front of the stage (normal procedure) if they are hearing 110dB, those at the back will be hearing around 100dB. You will probably need infill/sidefill boxes (depending on where the audience are located in the space) as well as main FOH but bear in mind these may create issues with reflections off the side walls so run them 6dB or more lower than the main FOH.


If the room has no acoustic treatment (curtains/drapes/wall hangings etc) on the side and especially the back walls you'll need to direct the sound into the audience (never a bad thing anyway) rather than straight over their heads by putting the tops high and angled down (most have a facility to do this built into the pole sockets).


In theory any of the mainstream top and sub systems (Yamaha DXR, QSC K series, JBL PXR etc) should provide enough level to do what you want though to get the side to side coverage you need I'd guess at one sub and two or three top boxes each side.


Re liability insurance, if you can to arrange supervision by a responsible person in the church (who will take final responsibility for safe rigging of the gear etc) the church's liability insurance should cover you, but definitely check before throwing up loads of speaker in places where they can fall on people http://www.blue-room.org.uk/public/style_emoticons/default/blink.gif


yeah liability insurance church does have they will be a person there and I have made the venue provide railings to protect band and equipment


yes I was going to put fills down the side of the room to give that sound more rounded throughout the whole room and drapes are being put up also so everything is looking in favour










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