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Pole mount and pole attachement speaker brackets


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Sorry if this should be an audio or school question... Please move if needed.


Im looking to install some new auditorium speakers in our schools performance venue. Im trying to make use of existing structures in the venue as well as make the most of the floor space. Currently the old system is simply two pole mount PA Speakers mounted on PA "tripod" stands. Rather than repeat this I wanted to mount the speakers to the existing poles either side of the pros, giving me more floor space. Is there such a bracket that would attach to a vertical pole as well as having the pole mount fixture for the PA speakers? Or should I just create a fixing plate for a standard wall mount bracket?


Thanks in advance

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If I get the gist correctly, he wants one of the brackets like Kerry posted, but that will clamp directly on to a vertical 48mm scaff bar that he currently has installed in his venue.


So a pair of half couplers --> pole to sit inside a speaker type affair.

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I've always been a bit uncomfortable with the idea of a permanently installed speaker just sitting on one of those poles - it's akin to hanging a lantern on a hook clamp but not tightening the bolt and not adding a safety. Am I being over-cautious?
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As Billy Jim has hit on... I want to be able to fix a speaker to the vertical bar either side of stage. Id rather not hang if possible, a fixed bracket allows for a little more security. The speakers im looking to purchase have various mounting points but for ease im wanted to use the pole mount recess.


Shez, I have similar concerns, however safety systems will be put in place to prevent any movement of the speakers. Once fitted to the bracket, the bolts that hold the pole recess in place can be extended and steel cable used to secure the speaker preventing them from being lifted off, or falling in the event of bracket failure.

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