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Gas fire effect suppliers


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Hi All,


Does anyone have any suggestions for suppliers for bespoke gas fire effects?


Laurence Harvey did the fire effects for Great Expectations West End and tour, but I don't have contact details.


I have a show coming up that requires a fire effect for one scene. Gas seems to be the most controllable effect, as opposed to Flame Paste or similar. However, I am open to suggestions from the collective knowledge of the Blue Room.

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I therefore have to ask - is there really a need for this to be a real gas fired set piece?

Because having something on a stage set like this would raise a LOT of questions were it on my stage.


There are a number of different ways to achieve the effect of a gas fire which involve making it look like a gas flame, and 99 out of 100 punters (or more) wouldn't look long enough at it to be able to make a distinction.


So can you tell us please why you think it HAS to be gas...??

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The designer wants a fire pit on/in the stage floor, and I am investigating the possibilities of using real flame.


The designer has specified real flames and from seeing real flames on various other shows, using an electrically controlled gas supply, I feel that this type of system allows the control necessary, as opposed to something like Flame Paste which has an unpredictable burn time and produces an unacceptable, in this situation, volume of smoke.


The previous shows that I have seen this effect and control system used have all been in London's glittering West End, administered by Westminster Council with no issues.

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Lord save us from 'designers' who have seen an effect on the W/E stage and want to incorporate it into a budget performance.


Sorry if this sounds negative, but messing about with live flame when you have no experience of doing so is rather dubious to say the least. It also raises a LOT of questions about suitability for the venue, and added (high) risks to the performers, crew and audience.


So unless you are 100% confident that you can assess and manage the provision, maintenance and safety of this live fire on stage I would advise the director that it's not feasible and look at how you can do this without flames.

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Lord save us from 'designers' who have seen an effect on the W/E stage and want to incorporate it into a budget performance.


They haven't.


Sorry if this sounds negative, but messing about with live flame when you have no experience of doing so is rather dubious to say the least. It also raises a LOT of questions about suitability for the venue, and added (high) risks to the performers, crew and audience.



I may not have experience of doing it, but have been involved, professionally, in numerous productions that have engaged reputable companies that do this day in, day out. I was just looking for contact information for Lawrence Harvey or Pyrotechnogy, which I now have.



So unless you are 100% confident that you can assess and manage the provision, maintenance and safety of this live fire on stage I would advise the director that it's not feasible and look at how you can do this without flames.


That's for the PM.

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