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Red colour in old washers


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Maybe someone could explain this thing that has troubled me for awhile. I have 4 old Movitec wl250 washers which are pretty nice(amazing light output for a 250w lamp!), but colour "red" makes me confused because it´s orange. :blink:

At first I thought that the dichro filter was worn out or something, and I took another red filter from scanner, switched it but it was orange too. What the frell? I just saw 2 minutes ago it was red :D Best quess is that it has to do something with the angle of light?

If try to cast red from CMY, its slightly more red but still orange. Some lightguy said that you cant get red from washers but thats bull, I´ve seen red lights in tv :) So is it a high-end equipment thingy? These ###### are too cheap? I can´t believe it :) Tell me.


And it would be fun to know if I can do something about it? e.g try to glue the filter in different angle or something?


Thank you very much for your forthcoming helpful answers!



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The light which comes out of discharge lamps does not contain very much red. So if you put a proper red dichro in, the fixture looks really dim. To get round this and make their fixture look brighter, some manufacturers fit an orangey colour filter instead of red.
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Thanks for the quick reply :)


Sounds reasonable, but when this very same filter is in scanner, it´s astonishingly red ? Scanners has 250w halogen lamps.


edit: so halogen contains lots of red, is that what you was trying to say? :D

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Metal halide discharge is mercury discharge with added metals that all add their own colour to the spectrum , but like white LED and unlike tungsten, MH lamps have little red in the light to start with



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Thanks for the quick reply :)


Sounds reasonable, but when this very same filter is in scanner, it´s astonishingly red ? Scanners has 250w halogen lamps.


edit: so halogen contains lots of red, is that what you was trying to say? :D


Indeed, if you look at Musht's great picture and imagine your red/amber filter as a "hump" in the red area. You can see that a tungsten/halogen lamp is throwing out loads of red light there which will look wonderful, but the discharge lamp is very strong in the yellow/green region which will make the output much more orange.

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Some lightguy said that you cant get red from washers but thats bull, I´ve seen red lights in tv :)


Don't trust what you see on TV - there are several people behind the scenes there to constantly alter and adjust the colour balance / exposure / levels of the cameras. They can alter the levels so that a light which only puts out a deep orange appears to be a red colour on screen.

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But... but if I call to Movitec and say:

"Hi, my name is light dude and I need 20 of your finest washers to my ball tonite, theme is BLOOD and everything needs to be red."

"Ok, thank you mister dude, we will ship 20 washers to your ball. Here´s a manual for the fixtures, and as you can see on page seven, DMX channel 2 will provide some red amongst other colours for your convenience.

" Thank you very much, goodbye".


And then, I´m in a terrible hurry, just before doors open I get the power on. Quess what? Among first quests, there´s maharadza from kuala lumpur who has heard about my awesome party and was coming to hire me as his royal light designer. Thing is, he hates ORANGE.


How can they sell something so expensive and claim that orange is red with poker face? I can´t imagine what those cost back in the days. I´m furious http://www.blue-room.org.uk/public/style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif

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No point being cross. I have some 575W movers. I bought two, then a year later another two. Green and Red are different because I have a mix of mk1 and mk2. The early model has the orangey red, the later one has a better red, but it's dark! I've never got around to sorting them out. Martin red, and robe red are different too - not hugely so, but noticeable.
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