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I hope you can help.


I am looking to source a supplier of Tri-Lite truss to form a lighting rig for an event I am organising.


The sizes and shapes are all different and may involved custom sizes.


Can anyone recommend a UK supplier of this in the Oxford area?





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AC Entertainment Technologies are based in High Wycombe, not far from Oxford. They stock Opti Trilite truss.


There are other, stronger, triangular truss systems out there. Trilite does rather have the structural integrity of plaster.





"Trilite does rather have the structural integrity of plaster" ** laughs out loud ** were do you get your information from!!!

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There are other, stronger, triangular truss systems out there. Trilite does rather have the structural integrity of plaster.



"Trilite does rather have the structural integrity of plaster" ** laughs out loud ** were do you get your information from!!!

From the handful of occasions that I've used it, I wouldn't disagree with Jonathan's assertion. The walls are thin and easily deformed. The design of the ends seems to my mind to be poorly thought out as there isn't sufficient bracing meaning that a minor bump can knock a main tube just enough out of alignment to make it almost impossible to connect them together.


I'm sure if the truss is treated with kid gloves from new it works well but it doesn't seem robust enough for the kind of treatment that it's likely to experience on the road or from regular dry hires.


Just my experience; Brett you obviously use it rather more regularly so may have other ideas.

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My information is from first hand use of new and hired Opti Tri-lite trussing. My comments may seem flippant, but in my experience are based on fact.


As Shez has pointed out, Tri-lite does not have the load capacity, structural integrity or rigidity for the jobs that I undertake. I stick to proven truss systems such as Slick, JTE or Tomcat. Whilst Tri-lite has its place and users, I for one would rather not use it for a ground support structure or a FoH sound and light truss.

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I am no trussing expert but surely horses for courses applies here?

Trilite used to be perfectly good for what it is intended for and trying to use it instead of really heavy duty kit reveals more about the users than the equipment. It may not have the robustness or load capacity that Jonathan or Shez need but then they should use equipment that suffices and, shock horror, they do.


The crucial thing is that any equipment is used by competent people and chosen to suit the task required. That is where things usually go wrong, inadequate human choices rather than inadequate kit.


For this topic maybe someone should ask Louise who designed and specced Trilite and were they a structural engineer or experienced user of trussing at least?

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