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Polystyrene Insulation for set building?

techy tim

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Hi Blueroom


I'm was wondering if anyone has come across this martial before http://www.diy.com/nav/build/insulation/constructional-insulation/insulation_boards/Jablite-Premium-Universal-Insulation-Board-Grey-10647758?icamp=recs


as a local theatre company want to us it in there next production to build part of their set.

I'm mostly concerned about it's fire rating which as fair as I can work out from the data sheets I found on line is possible Class E it’s been made to EPS 70?.




So can is be used as it is, or does it need a good coat of Flame Check or should I tell the theatre company to find something else.




Any help much appreciated.



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To follow on, the flame retardant sheets have a surface coating that is useless once cut with the cut edges exposed. If you use Jesmonite, or perhaps a certified flame retardant paint, you must ensure that the whole thing is encased, with an ability to recover any damage between shows.


Polystyrene kills more frequently by the toxic fumes than the flame, although the dripping of burning product also causes fires to spread.


As any fireman what they think of polystyrene tiles, whatever the home office might say!


Edit: The dreaded SPAG! :(

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It's flammable, fortunately it's a fair burn and not toxic like Polyurethane. Once sculpted it will have no surface treatment left so it will need plastering possibly with plaster soaked bandage. It's probably best considered as a small hazard if the quantity is small, and tolerated with careful use. If it's more than a kilo or so I'd say look for something else. Very few of the flame sop sprays will help because they usually rely on there being a porous surface to adsorb the spray.
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Thanks for all the coments, I've asked the theatre company to look into the diffrent types of Jablite and also to look into other options. I'm just glad they came to ask me first rather than turn up with it on the getin ;-)
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