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need advice on creating a wall of light


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Big Thank you everyone for your help. Im gonna go research all your advice and try make sense of it! You have all been very kind, thanks again for your time. il keep in touch and let ya know how things develop. :unsure: cathy
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Its cathy here again I was just thinking, if I was to use the likes of a ditigal light curtain or the row of small lights, this effect would not work in a small room cause it would just light the room up right?! would I have this probelm of light dispersing? would smoke effect be any benfit here?
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Cathy - yes, haze in the room will be essential to create the kind of curtain effect (we think) you're after. The idea with light curtaqins is that they have a wide width, but very narrow front back dispersal of the light - so wouldn't light the room directly. The curtain of light would be.


It strikes me that we've misconstrued what effect you are trying to achieve.

can you explain what exactly you want the effect to look like?

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...if I was to use the likes of a ditigal light curtain or the row of small lights, this effect would not work in a small room cause it would just light the room up right?!  ...

You'll need to watch what the light shines onto. If it is a light coloured surface it'll scatter a lot of light into the room. You might find you need a strip of matt black cloth to absorb the line.


Another device you might be able to track down, made in the late 80's for disco use, is the Optikinetics Flat Spot. It's a 500W linear lamp (like a security light) in a fan cooled box with an assymetric lens on the front. Basically it projects an image of the lamps filament as a beam about 2 inches thick. If you could find somewhere with a few of these (disco hire shops?) you could overlap the beams to lose the divergence.


I found one on e-bay and used it for this effect....




...lasers were out of the question for this as the effect ran very close to the audience.

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Don't know what your budget is like though.

I'd guess it's not 95,000 euro :D = £66,000 :o


Neat idea though, mind you the bit which said

and the level of condensation water dripping from the unit has got lower
is a little worrying.
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