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Gels melting


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We have being having trouble with gels melting in our fresnels. The melt right in the centre and shrivel up.


These gels are nearly 2 years old now so could it be the age? But could it be the lense direcitng the light into a durect beam in the cnetre of the gel and burning it?





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Could be a whole host of things…


- the gels being low temp for the lights you are using and not heavy enough temp grade for the lights (probably unlikely as the gels I presume have been ok for two year)

- The age of the gel (as you say) if they have been used heavily for two years then yes they may be worn and probably lost colour…

- The saturation of colour also effects this… for instance I put a yellow filter in a 1k sil30 with diffuser no problems… put red filter in which is exactly the same grade with diffuser and I get a nice little hole in the centre… not really a problem as it didn’t really effect the light major for my event… but it could in different events…



There are probably more reasons… I would suggest replacing some of your older gel stock though if it is starting to lack performance and the colours are going… I wouldn’t have thought I would be the fact you have the fresnel spot focused too intensely on it…

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If the gels are two years old - and have been used reguarly - it is not suprising that they have started to go, some fresnels do have issues where all of the heat of the lamp is focussed right where the gel is, there is little you can do about this apart from adjust the focus, or add heat-sheild.


Otherwise I would advise replacing your gel, since each bit can't be worth more than 10 - 20 pence it seems that 2 years is pretty good service!

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OK, a few things ....


Two years old?!?! A sheet of colour is only £3-odd, for crying out loud - colour is a consumable item, for a very good reason ....


Dark colours 'go' quicker than lighter ones, so expect to replace them more often.


If you're using your fresnels on full flood (i.e. widest beam, with the lamp right up against the lens), try backing them off just a bit - taking the lamp away from the lens a tad will make an appreciable difference to colour life.


If (as it sounds) you're putting a piece of colour into a lantern and leaving it there long-term, use HT filters, and put them into a frame in the colour runners furthest from the lens - the more air you can get circulating between the source and the colour, the better.

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The lenses are set to narrow as it is a small space we are lighting.


Yeh I expected it would be the life of the gel. I get some ordered on monday.






Get some paperclips, and attach the gel to the barndors of your fixture, instead of using the gelframe. That way you get it away from the hotspot of the beam, and it will last longer.




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