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Guerrilla Projections in New York


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We have a Guerrilla projection campaign that runs 14th -16th March in New York. Our supplier in the US has decided at the last minute they cannot supply equipment nor projectionists.


Has anyone got any contacts in New York who can can supply a minimum of 2 x Sanyo PLC XF47's, 6KVa super silent generator or a single Christie 20K DLP projector or similar Barco with appropriate silent generator. Also looking for one projectionist who is based in New York and looking to take one projectionist from the UK.







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It can be done semi-legally, at least in the UK, if you have permission from the building owner and the local authority - though plenty of paperwork is then involved. Alternatively you can just keep a lookout for trouble, close the van doors and drive off, but the police and/or local planning authority can take a dim view, especially if it's advertising. If it's "art" then they seem to be less bothered as long as you aren't causing an obstruction or projecting onto people's windows.
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We do a lot of this kind of thing and we have bright projectors. We can't help on this occasion but please contact us in future about any other projects u might have.


we use a mini bus and drive around to locations with the projector and generator ready set up inside the vehicle. This saves on set up time and is ideal to avoid "issues with the fuzz" by the time they show up we're long gone


Here are some pictures of some Guerrilla Projections we did in London for the banking crisis, we were very pleased with bottom one.


we found the main issues were set up time and finding a good spot to locate the projector vehicle.

In the past the police have turned up, with no idea about the legality of what we were doing.


The legality is somewhat unclear mainly because it is legal - a couple of issues include the parking spot and if the building you are projecting on is listed you need planning permission.






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