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The Blue Room Shootout Weekend


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Having just jokingly suggested this in another topic I thought I'd float the idea.


The Blue Room Shootout Weekend


We find somewhere where we can all get to. Everyone brings along whatever units they can fit in their car. And we do some side-by-side tests and measurements.



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Events like this have been organised by folks on the LAB (Live Audio Board) in the US. There are probably few threads there that would be worth mining for ideas. There have been subwoofer shootouts, and some very in depth comparisons of various graphic EQs.


You might find it easier to have one or two specific areas to focus on. E.g. LED lanterns and digital desks, to take two topics that have had much discussion on the board of late. If you have people bringing everything and anything, it will still be a fun day, but difficult to draw any meaningful results.

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Yep, I was specifically thinking of LED units, both static and movers. Tested alongside something everyone can relate to like a MAC250.


Although if anyone wanted to bring anything else along it might be interesting.


If there was enough interest I could probably get a room near me for the weekend FOC.

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Sounds like a plan! I've got some Mac 350s, 101s, ipix gear etc - the 350s have a bad rep on here and I rather like them so would love to change people's minds! Plus a beer is always a chuckle!


Bit middle of nowhere but if you want to do a northern one, my venue in Preston's available :)

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Might I suggest a new place as well ? to look at a combo of all the new tech possible ? possibly something like RSC Stratford ? The Backstage Academy up north, Backstage Stage Centre down south and London way.


I am 100% up for a shootout event.


Other option, maybe crazy, but a ABTT/PLASA stand much like the TV lighting stand a few years back?

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So who here wants to fly me out from Australia with some kit (Found some 50w and 150w LED Profiles, that don't cost an arm or a leg) http://www.blue-room.org.uk/public/style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif


I will try to bring the Australian sun with me! http://www.blue-room.org.uk/public/style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif

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