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Moving lights for beginners..


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Right, basically we've been dropped in it by the lighting company that normally do lights for the school.

Us as a technical team usually just do sound, or the lights for smaller events due to the cost and time involved..


The guy on our team who accually knows about lights is also off skiing..


So bassically, im ok with fixed lights, but we are also hiring 2 Mac250+ and a Fat Frog (zero 88). Ive used a zero 88 alora before, and from looking at the manual I think I understand the frog, it has submasters as well which could be good :)


My only worry is the two moving fixtures and what I do with them.. If someone could tell me how you use them or direct me to a site which does, as I couldnt find it in the frog manual it would be much appricated..



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the manual is a fairly good place to start - its in the support section of the martin site. http://www.martin.dk


depends on what the show is - for theatre, a easy guide is to use them as normal lights that happen to move, change colour and focus. just make sure that you play with the times to give all moves with the light dark.


for rock, just play with them and see what comes out.



[a really simplistic version of it all, I know, but it may suffice for the short term]

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Speak to Keith at Zero88, don't have a phone number for them but I'll try and find one. He's a top bloke and realy helpful, if you cant work out what you need to do from the manual, I'm sure he'll be happy to guide you through assigning fixtures and basic procedures.


Hope this helps


Munky :)

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the manual is a fairly good place to start - its in the support section of the martin site. http://www.martin.dk


depends on what the show is - for theatre, a easy guide is to use them as normal lights that happen to move, change colour and focus. just make sure that you play with the times to give all moves with the light dark.


for rock, just play with them and see what comes out.

Ah, yes sorry I forgot to say what it was for. Its a dance show..


So I think just generally playing with it will do, and try and get it slightly in time with the music..


My thread was meant to be more, 'how do I do it' sorry..I really have no clue with moving lights. Ill take a look at that site, cheers.

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take a wander round the topics - I suspect this may have been covered before.


also, if you can, have a play with them before plotting times.


one thing that may be of use is to set scenes on the subs or save chases in the memory stack and then use them.

though for a rig to have 2 spinning things in view can be really distracting.

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Yeah the frog manaul is really easy to use and so in fact is the the frog, IMHO. (there is much debate about that I realise). I would then suggest that you have a look on the frog support site, noting thats there's a link on that page to download the manaul. http://www.frogsupport.com/forum/index.php.

Thanks guys.


Im sure ill work it out, ive got a day to set it up, a full day rehursal, and a weekend to figure it all out so im sure I can manage..

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When do you need it by?  Zero88 have got a couple of Frog training days next week.

Well a week tomorrow, problem is im trying to fit this around my A levels, so im quite limited on the time I can put in..

So im thinking ill have to stay infront of the desk for a while and just work it all out.


Does anyone know of a really simple guide on the net? Im very lost when it comes to moving lights, like how do I control them at all? I can get away with leaving a lot on random as its just a dance show, but say I wanted to move the light to the right, what would I do?

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seriously, the manual is a great guide


but to answer your q . select the light to use, then push the position button to activate the position wheels in the display. then wheel the pan function to the right.

job done.


just have a play with it - it will become clear once you are in front of it and having a go with it.


and dont be over awed by them - they are simply lights that have had things added to them to control them from somewhere else.

the things that have been added to it are motors controlled by another DMX channel. thats it.

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seriously, the manual is a great guide


but to answer your q . select the light to use, then push the position button to activate the position wheels in the display. then wheel the pan function to the right. 

job done.


just have a play with it - it will become clear once you are in front of it and having a go with it.


and dont be over awed by them - they are simply lights that have had things added to them to control them from somewhere else. 

the things that have been added to it are motors controlled by another DMX channel. thats it.

Thanks, I think I just need to sit in front of it now, roll on next thursday :)

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Read the manual section on F.R.O.G. (Fixture Random Output Generator) which will help you set up the fixtures and come up with some reasonable dance type lighting. Also consider using the Audio input to trigger the changes. This will eliminate most of the work during the show. It's just a bit of a pain to set up.
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I don't claim to be a lampy but per chance I have done the training day at zeroo88. One thing I remember was that if you are plotting movers on to submasters to make sure your plotting in partial mode, other wise you'll record you generics aswel. As far as I can remember thats right, hopefully someone can verify that, and of course it should be in the manual! Also using pallettes is quite handy, you can select your movers and snap in colours, gobos, positions etc. A proper lampy might shout at me for making thing to complicated though!


Good luck, don't forget, if your using a monitor with it and happen to get bored, press F1 + F3 together to reveal an interesting little game! :o


Munky :)

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