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'Light Bulb' Letter Sign - Advice Please


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Hey guys,


This is my first post on here but I am a long time lurker.


I am working for a small company that has requested that I build a light up sign for their upcoming summer events at music festivals.


They want something that looks like this.


Our logo is like this. I plan on just spelling the 'BOUTIQUE' word out.


My initial idea is to use these light bulb mount battens on a wooden surface, & wire in parallel.


I am going to use 25w bulbs and wire each letter separately so I can possibly get each letter on a separate dimmer to add cool effects.


Anyone with experience, links or advice I would love to hear from you.



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You can't mount those battenholders on a wooden surface - the connections must be enclosed in a non-combustible box, so it will need a pattress like this (not saying this one will fit other makes of battenholder)




The ebay battenholder looks like a very nasty Chinese import.


For this application you would normally use festoon lampholders which can be used externally, eg







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Depending on the application you may find 25W lamps are too bright. I made a thing like this years ago and had to use 10W nightlights to get the effect the director wanted in a small hall. Just try with a couple of lamps before you buy a shedload of too bright (or too dim) lamps. Learn from my fail.
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For outdoor festy type events 25W golf ball bulbs are OK. Coloured ones an option though weatherproofing is essential. I also would be tempted to look at festoon fixtures.


Individual wiring of each of 100 lamps on BOUTIQUE could prove interesting as well, I reckon letters or the 3/4/5 grouping Andy suggests is an option worth considering.

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Also, depending on just how big this is getting, think about what the size of dimmer that will be driving it - it's quite easy to build something that won't fit on a 10A dimmer channel, so the splitting into groups or letters may actually be out of need, not aesthetics.
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erm.... the key word here that everyone seems to be missing in recommending d0mestic lamp holders is FESTIVAL - with this in mind you'd need to ensure that any sockets & wiring you use is at LEAST IP44 rated. On a festival site no matter how high up you place something, someone will find a way to touch it, no matter how many layers of marquee you're inside at some point some rain will touch anything you take, no matter how carefully you look after it at some point this sign will end up on the ground in mud/dust/food/


With this in mind I'd be looking at buying ready-made festoon (which usually has appropriate weatherproof sockets and cable) and finding a way to use that in your sign so that from the outset you are building something that's safe and stable.

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Again guys, thanks for your input.


The idea of being able to dim each bulb individually would be amazing but I am well aware of the cost and complexity of this. For some of the bigger events, I am thinking of hiring in some active Showtec Sunstrips to act as a border to the sign and pixel mapping them. I think this, along with dimming each letter could work quite well!


The festoon idea is something I was looking at. The only issue I see is that I currently can't see any that have lights wired closely together, the closest I have seen is one meter (Edit - the website in the link posted earlier says they do custom lengths. I will find out and reply for anyone interested). I will have to make sure this is IP rated. I also write the risk assessment so I am well aware that home made stuff would be put under extra scrutiny.


Tom, you have clearly done this before. Everything gets covered in mud, dust and food. No matter how hard we try!

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The cheating way of doing it would be to build a compartmentalised light box with a separate brighter lamp for each letter. (Ensuring its ventilated if using incandescent sources.)


Cut out each letter, a bit of suitable gel in front with frost/diffusion gel behind. Cut or punch round 3 - 5mm holes in the yellow gel where the lights would be. A piece of polycarbonate or perspex fixed over the whole front and the whole things becomes much more manageable. It would look too great from acute angles though.

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