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Dropped hand bell SFX required


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Have been searching all my usual online sources and SFX CDs but as yet haven't managed to find a specific effect.


It's for a 'magic invisible bell' gag - panto king waves his hand as if ringing a hand bell and SFX plays a couple of 'tinkles'. 'Hands' the 'bell' to the comic who tries to do the same to silence. King takes it back and 'rings' it again. Comic trieas again and fails, so 'throws' the invisible bell into the wings - I've got a couple of options OK for the actual hand ringing, but need the bell clattering across the floor as if thrown.

Don't have a suitable bell that I can try recording it myself (though that's also being investigated).


Anyone have anything suitable in their collections?



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I've got a couple of options OK for the actual hand ringing, but need the bell clattering across the floor as if thrown.

Don't have a suitable bell that I can try recording it myself (though that's also being investigated).


It doesn't have to be great bell to throw it across the floor. How about something like THIS.



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What size is the "bell" according to the ringing sound FX? It makes sense to make the 'dropping' a similar sort of pitch to the 'ringing'. Let me know and I'll have a look in our FX database this afternoon.


That's very true, Gareth, though it's probably going to be easier finding a standard hand-bell ringing effect to match the 'thrown' one if I'm honest. (Especially if you happen to have 2 FX that are indeed a match!)


And Mackerr, postage from the US might be a bit heavy on those you've linked! :D

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Presumably you can't cheat and use something else? Like glass breaking/ a large smash/ a cat shrieking as the bell is thrown off?


That's not cheating; It's FUNNIER!!!! Do this. Do this. Do this.


You could always cobble up a cut off "ding" of the original bell note straight into the stock comedy glass smash which then links the set up sound much more closely with the payoff.


The invisible cat is what really makes this a class gag. That cat screech is classic signal for a laugh and really sells the joke especially if it's well handled on stage. A good opportunity for a momentary character lapse and a few looks / cat "improv" etc. before composure is regained and the script continues.


I'm now considering the endless comedy value in invisible cats offstage including Vienna in Rising Damp who did appear on screen but whose best performances were being kicked, shouted at or tripped over while supposedly just out of shot.


+1 for the Smash and Cat routine!!

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A hand bell can be had from ebay for sub £10.

Indeed - including one guy only down the road in Brum


However, after a concersation last night, turns out we already HAVE one somewhere in the props inventory - assuming they can find it.


So looks like we'll be recording one this week.




Thanks anyway guys

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In this case, I think the cat will get in the way of the joke. I agree that manipulation of the original waveform may be the ticket. Or combine the original will a small cast (as opposed to sheetmetal) kettle lid landing on and sliding across the floor (some can be very bell-like when struck).
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