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RGBW LED Parcans


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Hey guys,


I work in a local council ran theatre and we have been told to investigate energy saving solutions for the LX rig and look into spend to save etc etc... Looking specifically at RGBW LED Pars at the mo. We currently have 90 normal pars in our rig and are looking to get say 40 - 50 led pars to replace. Does anybody recommend any specific RGBW LED pars that are reliable, have good output, decent output angle etc etc, We would be using them for a variety of things such as face light, backlight, foh washes etc etc


Add to that LED Battens to replace our ancient 1kw iris' that we have


Any advice will be greatfully recieved



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Speak to Arcola Theatre / Arcola Energy - they're about 3 years ahead of everyone else when it comes to real world, actual in-the-field use of LED and other low-energy theatre stuff. They can provide the scientists and accountant-speak people to keep your bean-counters happy but they also know theatre and will understand what you're trying to do rather than blindly spec'ing the latest toy.
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The Chauvet Colorado Tour LED pars are a good compromise between price and quality in my opinion.

The tri-tour is good too but is only RGB rather than RGBW - the LEDs are mixed on the tri-tour so you don't see the individual coloured LEDs if you are looking into the beam.

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My suggestion is to take a look at the Lanta Fireblall PAR64 Quad. In terms of reliability/serviceability we don't own any of this specific model but we do have 30 of the original Firball Tri's. Whilst they aren't as reliable as some of our higher end kit they pretty reliable, we've probably had around four failures of various sorts (mainly PSU but we have had to replace a PCB) over the last couple of years.


UK based support and parts are a big bonus when there is so much stuff coming out of china with zero backup.




Don't rely on the supplied barn doors, complete waste of time!

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I've used the colorado's pointing out in haze and they looked quite tight, like a CP61, but I didn't have any real pars to compare with. Like all LED pars they are good at saturated colour but they don't have the punch of a halogen par can in white or pale colours.
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We've recently invested in some Chauvet Colorado 2 Zoom Tour units - our panto currently has eight in the rig, and we're about to send out a small TYP tour with another four. They're nice and punchy, have a useful zoom range that goes from about 10 degrees to about 35, and seem very solidly built. The beam quality isn't bad at all, but there's a hint of colour fringing at times. The white LEDs seem to only really be there to 'pastelise' the colour you mix on the RGB channels, so don't expect them to be good at doing a good white that would pass for a more traditional open-white source or the sort of nice white that you can get from, say, a Source4 LED - but they can make a reasonable fist of it as long as you set your expectations appropriately!
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Because you are replacing a multi colour wash with led par's you will only need about a third of the number of fixtures.


I have sold my first led par's, which were RGBA which are better for music and bought led zoom wash movers, 36 x 15w RGBWA. I found that the prosted led difuser was soaking up 40% of the led output and causing wide difusion, so I am playing about with the difuser off. Try and get units that don't need this difuser.

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Melkin, You may wish to consider the LEDJ47 equivalent RGBW par can 18 x 8 watt, cost is £279 each inc VAT




We are based in Manchester, if required we could obtain a test sample for you - for trial at your premises or at our Unit.

Any warranty claims or replacements can be taken up with our distributor in Darwen. Contact me if you need any further info.

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My suggestion is to take a look at the Lanta Fireblall PAR64 Quad. In terms of reliability/serviceability we don't own any of this specific model but we do have 30 of the original Firball Tri's. Whilst they aren't as reliable as some of our higher end kit they pretty reliable, we've probably had around four failures of various sorts (mainly PSU but we have had to replace a PCB) over the last couple of years.


UK based support and parts are a big bonus when there is so much stuff coming out of china with zero backup.




Don't rely on the supplied barn doors, complete waste of time!


I Agree, the lanta fireball led fixtures are v good for the price and well made units, we have been using them most of this year for all types of events forn corporate to ourdoor festivals.


and yes dont rely on the "darn doors" as it says on the box :P


I would also consider some moving led zoom washes..we use the Showtec expression 33000 units again grest fixture for the price, good light output and nice colour mixing, but it does depend on what you want to achieve and how your in house tech uses the fixtures.

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I also have lanta mini wash movers 4 off them. They are rgb and each led is 3w and 6 of each colour 18 LEDs in total . I have used these along side LEDj zoom LEDs (4 off them ) which are also are 3w LEDs and there is 8 of ecah colour (RGB) 24 in total.


The mini movers put up a good fight with the LEDjs on the same bar and there seem to be more light from the movers ad are also very handy for getting colour in to corners where there is no light or doing a wash across the front of the stage to blind the audience at the front.


I will hope to be getting more of them Lanta mini movers

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