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Light o Rama UK version?


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I am interested in the light o rama kits they sell in the US I was wondering if anyone knows anything similar (and cheaper) over here?

I can solder but not the best at circuit board soldering so pre made would be ideal


These units are basically dimmer packs but they give 16 channels outs this would be ideal for what I am looking to achieve


thanks in advance



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A friend asked me about assembling some dimmer kits a few years ago, but I declined as I wasn't too impressed with the circuit. Having just had another look at this 16 channel dimmer I am even less impressed. It has what looks like two plugs wired in parallel for the power input, and no MCBs or even fuses on the outputs.
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A friend asked me about assembling some dimmer kits a few years ago, but I declined as I wasn't too impressed with the circuit. Having just had another look at this 16 channel dimmer I am even less impressed. It has what looks like two plugs wired in parallel for the power input, and no MCBs or even fuses on the outputs.


TBF it looks to me as if the two plugs are each powering half the channels.

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Are you /sure/ this product is the right solution for your needs? Aside from the quality issues others have raised you're also going to be using it outside of its normal spec (by using uk power), it's also been designed for running short lighting shows by people who are quite happy to constantly tinker and fix their display. Finally it's not DMX compatable and uses a proprietry control system. By the time you've had it shipped over here it's going to cost you £300 and for that sort of money you could buy properly uk spec'd budget dimmer packs with all the safety and industry standard elements built in; with the added bonus that if anything happens you can easily source replacements or guidance in the uk.
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TBF it looks to me as if the two plugs are each powering half the channels.


That's exactly how they work.


... and uses a proprietry control system.


That may be exactly the point: the Light-O-Rama software is nothing like anything anyone in the Blue Room would ever use in a theatrical or concert environment; its designed for a different purpose.


Having said that, I believe the current LoR dimmers can accept DMX input.

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thanks for everyone's responses


I received a email back from them and they put me onto http://www.spectacularlighting.co.uk/ those guys have currently emailed them to see what can be done


Yes this system is compatible with DMX

can be controlled via DMX or can have DMX put into it

They said it can be made to work with normal theatrical lighting desks they named the etc ion as there example


I will respond once I hear from the other company




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These units are basically dimmer packs but they give 16 channels outs...


There doesn't appear to be any suppression on the units I see on the website which would make this statement...


Spectacular Lighting is the only company in the world able to supply CE approved light O Rama products.


...somewhat difficult to achieve with Triac based units.

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AFAIK "light o rama" is seldom used for theatre lighting, either here or in the USA.

The main application seems to be large scale Christmas lighting installations with relatively sophisticated chases, sequences, fades, and other effects.

This requires large numbers of dimmer channels, but each of limited capacity by theatre standards.


Popular for very large d0m3stic christmas lighting displays in the USA (the ones that need a dedicated PC to control them, and an electrical service upgrade to power them)

I have only used this equipment once, D0m3sticly in the UK.

AFAIR, two controllers each with two inputs were used, a total of four supplies each 16 amps at 110 volts from a large building site transformer.

Total load was about 5KW, not much by theatre standards, but an awful lot of Christmas lights.

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I am running a Christmas light switch on for a local school (as well as ill own the kit afterwards) and they are wanting to use Christmas lighting in there memorial garden that goes to music but they want two different systems running the main and the garden one of there colleagues (teacher) pointed out to be light o rama


Yes I had noticed the 'DPX 12/4' my main concern was that they are being discontinued and if wanted to make the display larger in the following years this may become a problem


cheers damo

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