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Projecting onto a church


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Hi all,


I'm the engineer (so my expertise is in audio rather than light ;) ) at a radio station about to celebrate its 30th birthday, and my superiors have asked me how possible it is to project a gobo onto the side of our office, which is a converted church. The distance from the proposed lantern location to the building is roughly 15 feet.


As a rough idea, I would assume a profile with the gobo would do the trick, however the fixture would need to be able to live outdoors. I've managed to find some appropriate gobos we have used in the past, a size D, and one for a Mac 500.


Can anybody reccomend a lantern which would be suitable for this?


Photos if handy:

The building in question

Existing gobos




Matt :)

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Hi Matt,


you have a few options depending on exactly what you want to end up with.


You can get outdoor versions of Source 4's (most of the big hire companies - White Light, Stage Electrics, PRG... will be able to supply this for you and you can just run that straight from the mains.


You could also get a mac 500 and put the other gobo into that, but that seems a bit overkill if you just want a static image as this would also need a dome to protect it from the elements!


id also say that building wasnt ideal for the logo as the windows wont hold the image very well, you might want to look at covering them with something that will make a better projection surface!

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Are you able to house the lamp in some sort of weatherproof enclosure - even just a roof and 3 sides will make a difference. I'd suggest a Selecon Pacific - but they are the profiles I prefer for most applications! While they're not IP rated (I don't think) I managed to set a fire sprinkler off with one and after re-lamping, it was none the worse for its drenching. Plastic parts mean it's less susceptible to damp too - might last longer than a metal unit.
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Just a word of warning. The last time my beloved DJ's did this on a nightclub in Bristol they had a little difficulty with the level of the street lighting. As I was driving away from the gig in the wee small hours I noticed they had Gaffered over several streetlamps.


The nightclub was a lot darker and less reflective than your building appears so you just may have difficulty getting a decent image.


Yes, I did make the little swine remove the gaffer.

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Aren't their some Source 4's outdoors as you drive into Liverpool from the M62?


There are indeed.



They project council logos/upcoming events logos etc onto the flyover, and do so very well, especially taking into account the amount of high-mast sodium lighting around.


I'd say the IP rated S4s are definitely something to look at for this kind of use.

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